NJ: Pepuls Republik of Nu Jerzee


Is Illinois the most corrupt state?
44 ARRESTS? | Based on FBI resources, late-night TV, Illinois has no rivals
July 27, 2009
BY NATASHA KORECKI Federal Courts Reporter nkorecki@suntimes.com

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Hey, back off, New Jersey.

Just as Illinois basks in the shameful glow of its most-corrupt reputation, the Garden State wants to one-up us.

Sure, we’ve had two consecutive governors, an army of alderman and a posse of political fund-raisers under indictment — not to mention two current members of Congress facing ethics inquiries.

But in New Jersey last week, 44 people, including three mayors, two state lawmakers and a slew of rabbis were rounded up in a corruption scheme replete with allegations of organ sales, $97,000 stuffed into a cereal box and plenty of good, old-fashioned bribes.

There were so many arrestees, the FBI had to herd them onto a bus.

Well, New Jersey may be trying to outshine us, but if the sleaze factor is gauged by FBI resources, Chicago isn’t slipping.

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Let’s go NJ we can be number one at something.


Pepuls Republik of Nu Jerzee

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