GOVEROTRAGEOUS: The Gooferment has its thumb on the scale

Obstructing and Manipulating
by Bill Sardi

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Bernanke Caught Swapping Currencies

On the same day Barofsky was briefing Congress on his 250-page report, a film clip on YouTube showed Congressman Alan Grayson grilling the Federal Reserve’s Ben Bernanke, who admitted to swapping $500 billion of US funds to central bankers in Europe in one day (this represents 25% of what the US collects in taxes in an entire year), in what appears to have been an attempt to alter the value of the US dollar and to influence the price of oil and the value of stocks.

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What that means is that, to the Average Joe , the markets are being manipulated.

What that means is that eventually one big ugly chicken is going to come home to roost.

What that means is that sooner or later the truth will come out.

We wuz robbed.

And the elite did it.

So recognize the thieves in DC and vote them ALL out.

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