GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Where is ur pappers!!!

It’s Official. “Vaccine Passports” Are Required In New York
JAZZ SHAW Posted at 8:31 am on March 27, 2021

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So when does this end? Based on the information being offered by the state, it doesn’t. There is no mention of a sunset provision in these rules. The government may seriously be considering making this “the new normal.” And it’s not going to be restricted to just New York State. You can bet that almost all of the blue states (at a minimum) are going to copy this system in short order. Are we really going to put up with this? We are constantly scolded about any activities that carry a hint of what someone considers racism, sexism, or any other “ism” you’d care to name. But discrimination against the unvaccinated is apparently fine and dandy. This cannot be allowed to stand as the way society works going forward and our elected officials need to hear about this loud and clear.

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In so many many ways, this is just WRONG!

It’s just another way to divide “We, The Sheeple”.

I will not comply.


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