GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Let the patients and doctors decide, not politicians and bureaucrats

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For today, let me share with you part of an email I received from an emergency room physician who reads my newsletter. He has given me permission to share it with you, but with his name withheld:

I am a full-time practicing board-certified emergency room physician certified by the American Board of Emergency Medicine (ABEM) — which is the real deal, not one of those “other” board-certified institutions. I have an Ivy League undergraduate degree in biochemistry, and my medical degree is from the NYU school of medicine. I have practiced medicine in urban Chicago, Boston and Quincy, Massachusetts, and for the last 19 years in Florida. I don’t mean to brag, but for what it’s worth I have seen a thing or two that most people rarely deal with when it comes to health issues….

[The coronavirus] is a real virus with real consequences, including death. I have taken care of a few young people who required hospitalization, one of whom was deathly ill and may have died. (She was transferred to a tertiary care facility, a higher level of care hospital that has more sub-specialists than at my hospital, which is a community hospital. When she was transferred I lost follow-up on her.) However, I typically will see one or two younger people who become seriously ill with every flu season, and I have seen the occasional death….

The consequences of the lockdown and the over-hyped fear that the MSM has instilled in the public are atrocious, worse than the War on Terror. In your podcast episode today (#1661), entitled “The Lockdowns and Those Millions of Lives,” you mentioned that treatments of emergency stroke patients are down 40%.

I cannot emphasize enough how devastating this fact alone is. I can honestly say that during every shift I have worked in the emergency room for the month of May, I have seen stroke patients who should have come in earlier for potentially brain-saving emergency treatment. Because these patients finally present many hours if not days later because of the fear of catching coronavirus, their chances of recovery are greatly diminished — to essentially zero. While coronavirus will pass, these patients will live with a disability for the rest of their lives. They and their families were robbed.

There are other real consequences that are just as terrible. An emergency physician like myself will typically see one or two cardiac arrest patients a week — the vast majority in people over 70 if not even older, mostly with underlying heart disease. Yet I have seen in March and in early April mostly younger men in their 50s and early 60s present in cardiac arrest. After any attempt at resuscitation, I always speak with the family to get more details, and in every circumstance I was told by the patient’s wife or partner that the patient was extremely stressed about not being able to work and provide for his family. Now the breadwinner is dead, and the family is left in mourning and without the means to support themselves.

I have also seen at least twice as many suicide attempts and also 2 to 3 times as many drug overdoses as I see in a 1-2 month period. These are the tragedies that are not counted by our wise overlords who need to protect us from ourselves with these politically face-saving lockdowns. I haven’t even mentioned the cancer patients, some of whom need time-sensitive operations let alone chemotherapy — and some of these patients, because of their compromised immune status, are at high risk of catching coronavirus, but the point is to let the patients and doctors decide, not politicians in state capitals.

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Seems OBVIOUS to me.

People have to decide what risks they want to take.


As much as I want a haircut, I’m not willing to risk my life.


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