INTERESTING: Medicine is morphing due to the inet

Health and Free Trade
by Gary North
Tea Party Economist

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Will there be better living through chemistry? Count on it.

Will there be long waits in local doctors’ offices – doctors who still serve Medicare patients? Yes.

Will thousands of physicians cease to take new patients because too many new patients will be on Medicare? Yes.

Start making plans to shift to the medicine of the future. It will be cross-border medicine. That is where the savings will be. That is where the innovation will be. That is where the FDA won’t be.

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One can only hope.

Having “lost” Frau Reinke to an know blood disorder, during which some very smart and dedicated people gave her their best effort, “medicine” is still at best and art. At worst, it’s a corrupt system where no one cares.

I attribute that to the lack of “greed”. Remember “Greed is good” as a meme because it get that species, which is characterized by its usual uncooperativeness and irritability, to work together to satisfy as many needs and wants has possible. 


Not by any means. But the minute “we” stray away from that essential motivation, “we” get sub-par results. You can count on it!


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