FUN: On a children’s dance recital — observation #1

Once upon a lifetime dreary,
I went to a place leery,
And what did I behold,
Children “dancing” as they were told.

— unknown

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Interesting that parents spent a lot of money for “dance lessons”. I guesstimated that this was 200k$ biz. Not counting the time, attention, and effort that was going into it by parents.

They, in their heart of hearts, knew that the US “Eddykation” system, was giving their children the bare minimum of “life tools” and thse parents, perhaps instinctively, knew that the children needed more.

Be it boy / girl scouts, sports leagues, or even dance classes, parents know their children need more. (The Chinese kids will eat their bfast, lunch, and dinner.)

Also, I thought that these “dance” parents were trying to get their children to capture a little wisp of childhood joy to take with them.

I saw once again — several times that day — that when a young girl both knew she knew her “routine” AND had the physical skills to execute it, she lit up with joy. The face showed she was in the zone. And she was alone in the room with her “art”.

Hope that they all capture that.

Amazing was that it was 99% girls.

Is our society and its TV show messages that sexist?

The same muscle memory on a sports venue is just as good as dance. Surely, they all can’t be delude into thinking they can make it into the NBA.

Besides a good male dancer would find it easier to find a mate.

As a former young man, I’d have gone where the girls were. But there weren’t even boys in the audience. Where do these guys go to pick up chicks. Dumb! Easy pickins! Buy some flowers, go see a beautiful gals run around on stage in her undies, applaud for one, give her the flowers, and you’ve got a date. Dumb to skip that oppty.

Like shooting fish in barrel!

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Categories FUN

2 thoughts on “FUN: On a children’s dance recital — observation #1

  1. Yeah I think there was only 1 teenaged boy in the entire show, and after being back stage during the rehersal and at times during the recital, he knew exactly what he was doing. He was out numbered at least 30 to 1 in his age group.


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