FLASH: TFH-PROOF Now Hawaii says it found them, unbelievable!


Now the Gooferment of Hawaii says they’ve “found” them.

And, you want me to believe them. At the very least, if introduced in a competent Court, there would be “chain of custody” issues.

Like that COLB (Certification of Live Birth) that was cooked up and posted on the inet, I think we are ENTITLED to have a full airing of the issue.

What’s to hide?

If everything is on the up and up, then it will be a boring as watching paint dry, grass grow, or liberal pontificate. (Sorry couldn’t resist!)

But, it isn’t, because everyone is scrambling to hide something! Aren’t you the least be curious as to what it is.

Guess we’ll have to wait for the Enquirer to out it like the did Edwards!

# # # # # posted 2011-01-20 11:03

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