POLITICAL: I thought is was all about finding the “truth”


Certain Knowledge
Why all crime-scene evidence should be DNA tested.
By Radley Balko
Posted Tuesday, June 8, 2010, at 9:59 AM ET

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Arguing over which evidence gets tested shouldn’t be part of either side’s strategy. The prosecution and the defense should begin knowing that all of the evidence has been tested or will be. For old cases like Skinner’s, if there’s significant doubt about the defendant’s guilt that testing could resolve, legislators shouldn’t wait for the courts—they should make sure themselves that testing is done.

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By refusing to answer the question, Texas officials are acting as if preserving a conviction is more important than knowing for certain who killed Twila Busby and her sons.

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One reason to oppose the “death penalty” is that it’s irreversible.

Wasn’t this supposed to be a search for Truth?

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