RANT: Tipper and Al


Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Gore and Tipper to Separate
From the Associated Press:

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“NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Former Vice President Al Gore and his wife, Tipper, are separating after 40 years of marriage.

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Regardless of how much I think Gore and Global Warming are frauds, I am saddened when any long term marriage breaks up. I think it’s venial and self-destructive to revel in the failure. There but for … go you or I. Sorry, but I take no pleasure in their misfortune. And, I urge us to more prinicpled opposition.

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FUN: Speaking of animals


May 30th, 2010 at 8:01 am
Only in Russia

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This is not your normal run-of-the-mill get your pig drunk, load him into a cannon, and fire him into space kind of story. But then again, maybe it is. This amazing store has been captured for all to see.

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Yah have to find this story funny!

Imagine being the pig.

And, it doesn’t tell the pig’s eventual fate. Dinner? Just doesn’t seem right to eat an astronaut.

Wonder how much that cost the Russian Gooferment?


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POLITICAL: All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others


A slow-burn bonfire of liberties
MARK STEYN: Here’s what you get when the state hauls nobodies off to jail for quoting the Bible
by Mark Steyn on Thursday, May 13, 2010

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The other day, upholding the sacking of a black Christian for declining to provide “sex therapy lessons” to gay couples, Lord Justice Laws ruled that “law for the protection of a position held purely on religious grounds is irrational, divisive, capricious, arbitrary.” Actually it’s the law of Lord Justice Laws that is increasingly “irrational, divisive, capricious, arbitrary.” Or as George Orwell, in Animal Farm, formulated it: all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. In the land of Laws, a gay is more equal than a Christian. A Muslim is more equal than anybody. A black man is more equal than a white man, unless the white man is gay and the black man a Christian. An eco-zealot is more equal than an Anglican. Not long before Lord Justice Laws’ decision on the “irrationality” of legal protection for Christianity, Tim Nicholson, a “Head of Sustainability” fired for questioning his property management group’s environmental policies, sued for wrongful dismissal under “Employment Equality (Religion And Beliefs) Regulations.” He wound up with the best part of one hundred thousand pounds after Mr. Justice Burton ruled that Mr. Nicholson’s faith in anthropogenic global warming was a “philosophical belief” on a par with religion. So the Employment Equality (Religion And Beliefs) Law protects belief in apocalyptic “climate change” but not in Jesus.

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Yes, I know it’s overseas. BUTT (there’s always a big but), it’s coming here. You can see it.

“Political correctness” goes amuck.

And, civil discourse can no longer address race, sex, religion, or any other paradigm or meme that gets anyone upset.


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