POLITICAL: Liberal media


Friday, July 03, 2009
What liberal media?

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I just want to make sure I understand this: These somewhat inconsequential anti-tax rallies — thousands around the country? — get heavy coverage, but heavily attended antiwar rallies and regular vigils get ignored. And we have a liberal media?

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I wouldn’t characterize them as “inconsequential”. As anecdotal evidence, I have a friend (Yes, I do as surprising as that sounds!) who has never done anything political before. He’s so upset with ALL the politicians that he’s going out to his first political rally ever. A tea party. He’s upset that his children and grandchildren are being stolen from, put in debt unbelievable, and may never be free. That’s “consequential” to me.

And, “liberal media”, of which you are so much a part of, refers to its support of the “big government DEMOCRATIC” agenda. You won’t hear anything of “anti war” now, because it was all a sham to get the BLUE BIG GOVERNMENT candidate elected. Now that it’s Mister Obama’s war, it’s a good one. (The ONLY true anti-war candidate in the race was Ron Paul. You call him a wing nut, but he gave you a plan for ending the war. “Put all our people on the first thing smoking out of country.” And he’d have done just that. Why are we still in NATO?) There are no “principles” involved. We probably haven’t had a principled President since George Washington or Andrew Jackson.

See it’s all a giant scam. Guess you didn’t get the memo. It’s just “say whatever is needed” to get OUR GUY in power. Then we’ll all feather our nest.

So how’s Bush’s “Third Term” working out for you? Goldman Sachs is doing just fine. Was that the “change” you were “hoping” for?

Note: There is no difference between the D’s and R’s. They are two sides of the same coin. (More spending to share!) Co-conspirators in the same crime – robbing the taxpayers of the country and defrauding the rest of the citizens.

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