RANT: Peaceful opponent are targeted for harrassment!


Peaceful Dissent and Government Witch Hunts By Anthony Gregory

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As most readers of this are probably aware, the Campaign for Liberty has been singled out, along with a few other political groups, in a leaked Missouri state government report, “The Modern Militia Movement.” The document tells state officials to be on the lookout for violent extremists while conflating them with pretty much anyone who criticizes the government. Perhaps most troubling, the information apparently comes from the Department of Homeland Security, meaning that similar documents could be circulating in states other than Missouri.

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Now the flavor of government has changed from the Republican leviathan of George W. Bush to the Democratic leviathan of Barack Hussein Obama. A different group is vulnerable to being marginalized — in many ways a revitalization of the Clinton era atmosphere, although now with the post-9/11 concern about peace activists and all the surveillance powers inaugurated by Bush still in place.

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The right to question the government, even from a mistaken point of view, is at the heart of America’s proud heritage. When America relinquishes this understanding, it comes to adopt the features of the supposed enemy. In the name of rooting out Communists, America became just a bit more communistic. In an effort to keep an eye on violent extremists, the government resorts to violence and extremism. All the labor agitators, Muslim sympathizers and militia groups put together can never threaten American freedom and security as much as an unleashed police state in a climate of fear.

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Yes, the gooferment is like the gang that can’t shoot straight. But it’s my foot that is in the way.

I’m going to be pulled over for the Ron Paul bumper sticker? I own a gun (e.g., New Jersey has draconian gun registration laws). I own gold (i.e., I once used a credit card; never again). I blog (i.e., just Google my name). I criticize the gooferment of both parties. I “know” my rights. I support FIJA, oppose the psuedo drug war, anti-welfare, pro-immigration, “pro life”, and a “birther” to boot. Maybe I AM dangerous. Maybe I’m a terrorist.

Remember Pastor Martin Niemîller!

When will they come for YOU?

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