RANT: The incredible shrinking President



Obama In St Patrick’s Day Teleprompt Blunder
12:26pm UK, Wednesday March 18, 2009

*** begin quote ***

A teleprompt blunder has led to Barack Obama thanking himself in a speech at the White House in a St Patrick’s Day celebration.

*** end quote ***

Oh, big joke!

Imagine if George Bush had done the same thing?

And, the “teleprompter president”?

It’s not surprising. It’s just another version of an “empty suit”.

We should be used to it now.

And, when does a sitting President, take time from the People’s business, to appear on Leno?


How far have we fallen?

He started with “hope and change” and has shrunk to the tired old “liberal” socialist agenda and diminished the most powerful office on the globe to a laughing stock!

Double argh!

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