MONEY: FDIC is not really insuring banks

March 04, 2009
Re: Bair (or Is That Bare?) Says FDIC Going Broke
Posted by Kathryn Muratore at March 4, 2009 05:11 PM

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Lew, the counter-intuitive response of government-sponsored bureaucracies like the FDIC make me laugh. So we already know that the FDIC is not really insuring banks in any meaningful sense, although they keep that “Insurance” word in the title. But, imagine what an actual above-board insurance company would do in an emergency – say a hurricane hitting a populated area. In the days before and after the hurricane, can you imagine State Farm sending a bill to all of its customers in the Southeast for an emergency premium hike to cover the payouts that it knows are imminent?

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Yeah, like Social Security Insurance, which isn’t “insurance” either.

When this musical chairs game stops, who will be left standing?

Taxpayers, the old, those on fixed income.

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