JOBSEARCH: Recent advice to a new “turkey”

— In MyVirtualPowerForum, I wrote:

> > Jackie,
> > If I were you,
> > FIRST: I’d PUT JACKIE FIRST – I’m aware that this position may be

With all due deference, politeness, and know I may upset the tender sensibilities of the readers …

Dear Ms. Jackie:


They have just “voted you off the island” and your worried about doing a good job for them?

Are you NUTS?

Yeah, you want your thirty days of continuing paychecks, BUT, (there is always a big butt), you have to “look out for Numero Uno.

You need to do a “wet ware control alt delete”. Force Quit all the obsolete notions of employment loyalty of yesteryear. (“I love you my company. You my company love me. Oh how happy we will be … as you send me over Niagara falls sans barrel.”) Don’t sing the company song on the way to the firing squad.

You have a long road to travel. I’ve been down it 6 times and am currently going down it. The “trash-situation-transition road”. Been there, done that, and have the tshirt. And the scars to show for it.

By way of help:

(1) I have a “turkey farm” (that what job seekers are) (Me included!) Feel free to browse and “steal” anything useful.

(2) Feel free to LINKEDIN to me “reinkefj”. Send me an invite.

(3) Listen to VW’s sage advice. (VW: I’d have said “assess financial status” first. Then get working. Need to know how close this shave is going to be.)

(4) Browse the state unemployment website NOW. On company time. They have a check for you. Understand exactly when you can get it and what you have to do for it. They don’t make it easy. But it’s gotten easier over the years. I know personally!

(5) DON’T spend money for “job search” help without vetting it here FIRST. I know the WSAs, the “get a job fast” industry, and “work at home” “barbara streisand” is VERY attractive but it’s designed to separate you from your money and it wastes your time and attention. You may need help with a resume. But that is NOT your immediate need. And, that is relatively cheap. (The good ones that is. Some are overpriced at any price because you do all the work.)   I don’t want to overload you with too much, but you need to quickly reorient yourself to the real world, figure out your Life’s Goals, define your Unique Value Proposition (I see everyone rolling their eyes!) to state what you are going to do to release value, and your Unique Sales Proposition (More eye rolling, I see) to state how you are going to “sell” yourself. Then get going.

Feel free to use me or my stuff or my network. And remember these lessons forever. Unfortunately, too many of our fellow turkeys fall into that old thinking immediately after they land.

We are a nation of “consultants” now. Very short term ones at that!

Best of luck,
the big fat old turkey hisself

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