INTERESTING: Get botox faster than cancer screening. No surprise!

Patients get appointments for Botox faster than for moles: study
Aug 30 12:34 AM US/Eastern

***Begin Quote***

Patients who want a Botox treatment for wrinkles get appointments with US dermatologists much faster than those with potentially cancerous moles, according to a new study.

For a Botox injection, patients waited typically for eight days, while those asking doctors to look at worrisome moles that might indicate skin cancer waited 26 days, said the study in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.

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You pay for what you get. If the doc can make X with no insurance hassle, then is it a surprise that he will do what turns time into bucks fastest? That’s the free market allocating resources, better faster and cheaper than any administrative system.

When we get Hillarycare, I can’t wait to see the queues.

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2 thoughts on “INTERESTING: Get botox faster than cancer screening. No surprise!

  1. One ‘repectfully submitted’ correction to your blog entry my friend. You said ‘when’ we get Hillarycare…I think you meant to say ‘if’ we get Hillarycare! My tea leaves say ‘if’ she gets the nomination, she will lose big time…and it doesn’t matter to who, it will just be a vote against Hillary.


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