LIBERTY: Denying genocides is like defying gravity; it can kill you.–+Jeff+Jacoby+columns

No room to deny genocide
By Jeff Jacoby, Globe Columnist | August 22, 2007

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Genocide denial must be intolerable to everyone, but above all to those for whom “never again” is such a sacred principle. And at a time when jihadist violence from Darfur to Ground Zero has spilled so much innocent blood, dissimulation about the jihad of 1915 can only aid our enemies.

The Armenian genocide is an incontestable fact of history. Shame on anyone who refuses to say so.

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It takes gooferment to kill large numbers of people. Failing to recognize that fact is what enables it to happen.

I guess I was “fortunate” as a child to meet and talk with people who either survived or whose parents survived three of the major genocides — the Shoah, the Armenian killings, and the Irish Black ‘n’ Tans persecution. We were taught in school about the American Indian, the Russian Gualgs, Mao’s Starvation, and the Cambodian Killing Fields.

As such, I know no matter what gooferments would like to pretend it happened.

If paradigms are the way we see things and meme are our ideas, then the cooperation paradigm as implemented in the meme of gooferment is very dangerous. Like playing with fire, gooferment can burn us.

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