LIBERTY: how good it will be if we just get the right people in office


Daniel Buk wrote 56 minutes ago
re: Joe Biden for President ’08

***Begin Quote***

Actually, he admitted he made a mistake. He quoted Neil Kinnock before in his speeches and always attributed. However, he made a mistake once in which he forgot to attribute quotes to the British politician.

As for calling him a ‘statist socialist’, he is not. None of the candidates are socialists. However, if you point specifically to what you think is “socialist” in Biden’s record, then I could properly address those issues. Nevertheless, I assure you that Biden is not a “statist socialist.”

***End Quote***

He still has no executive experience. And, he is a Big Government Democrat. (A duplication in terms.) I think all the candidates with the exception of Ron Paul are socialists. Not one of the others seeks to reduce the size of the government. With out being nasty, these candidates are just more of the same stuff. (I leave it to the imagination what kind of stuff I think they are full of.)

IMHO All you really need to ask is one question. How does the candidate stand on gun control? It’s the litmus test of freedom and liberty. If they are for gun control, then they want to be able to control the people. If they are against it, then they trust the people.

As I see it, there are either of two memes: (1) people are basically good; or (2) people are basically bad. If they are good, then we only need a small government to protect our freedoms from force or fraud. If they are bad, then we want a small weak government because when bad people get in control of it we will be oppressed.

Either way, we need a much much smaller government. I’ve been working for a number of years and the government has continually taxed me heavily for services that I neither want, nor asked for. When the taxes are confiscatory, rebellion is the only answer.

Over the years, the government has become adept at hiding how much we are paying. I’ve seen estimates between 40% and 100%+. (The hundred per centers attempt to calculate the inflation tax paid by anyone holding dollars or things denominated in dollars. Hence your savings are being silently confiscated!) Even if we take a low number like 50%, when I say some one takes from me by threat of force (Taxes are NOT voluntary!) half of my production, am I not half a slave?

When Biden recants his Big Government voting record, then we can have another conversation. Until then, I’m immune to their siren songs of how good it will be if we just get the right people in office.

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