RANT: Time for the State Gooferment to tell the Federal Gooferment to MYOB


Feds force New Jersey to yank tongue-in-cheek highway safety messages
By David Meyer
November 17, 2022 2:50pm

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The highways are jammed with snarky road signs — and the feds don’t like it.

Killjoys at the Federal Highway Administration have reportedly ordered New Jersey officials to stop putting up cute and funny message boards with in-your-face safety warnings, such as: “Hold onto your butts — help prevent forest fires” and “Get your head out of your apps.”

The federal regulators came down with the ban on Wednesday, just about a month after New Jersey started putting the sassy missives up on programmable electronic signs around the Garden State’s many highways, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer.

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Time for a “national divorce”.  

Remind me again why we have a  Federal Highway Administration in the first place.



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