TINFOILHAT: The Income Tax — never properly ratified


Scottish Cities, Income Taxes, and NATO Article 5
by Guy Somerset Posted on April 30, 2022

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The Income Tax is Illegal – You Still Need to Pay It

There is perhaps no finer piece on hidden history than the book The Law That Never Was which makes a compelling, perhaps even unassailable, case the 16th Amendment to the United States Constitution never even came close to being properly ratified.

The “Income Tax Amendment” as it is commonly known was, as one might suspect, never very popular to begin with being in direct contravention to the intention of the Constitution itself. Hence, the need for an Amendment in the first place.

Those with a legal background will recognize certain…idiosyncrasies…of the court system. Particularly, that you can never – under any circumstances – imply a Judge reaches a foregone conclusion and then “fits” the facts to his intention. Clearly, that would never occur in America and you will be sanctioned by the Bar for saying so aloud.

All the same, there are circumstances in which everyone knows something and at the same time everyone pretends not to know that very thing. This is much the case with the 16th Amendment.

Any honest legal scholar or legitimate historian who has examined the facts must ultimately conclude at bare minimum there exists a strong argument the process of making the law was flawed in the extreme.

Except, what is the remedy?

The Federal government could never allow it to be decided the “Income Tax” was illegal. How would the leviathan then be funded? Would massive reparations to defrauded Citizens be in order? Under what conditions could another “Income Tax” Amendment be reinstituted under proper processes?

Clearly, all of the above are in practical terms impermissible. While the balance of the facts may be obvious, Lady Justice is going to tip the scales.

There will never be an admission the 16th Amendment was fraudulently recognized. Court historians, in the sense of being loyal to the prevailing system, will feverishly assent to the official narrative. Legal actors with any stature, or hope of professional advancement, will never acknowledge the charade.

It is quite simply an “agreed upon lie” which is pointed out at your peril – which means anyone reading this should know the 16th Amendment is not legitimate…and at the same time absolutely pay every single cent the government assesses you under that farce.

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I guess here’s another revision to the Conspiracy Theorist’s scale — “agreed upon lie”!

When do “We, The Sheeple” ever wake up?  If ever.


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