NYT publishes column claiming Looney Tunes character Pepe Le Pew ‘normalized rape culture’ | Daily Mail Online

Will Pepe Le Pew be cancelled after Dr. Seuss? New York Times columnist claims Looney Tunes’ amorous French skunk ‘normalized rape culture’ and taught boys that ‘no didn’t really mean no’

NYT publishes column claiming Looney Tunes character Pepe Le Pew ‘normalized rape culture’ | Daily Mail Online

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I remember watching this when I was growing up. And, other than sympathy for poor Sylvester, if it taught me anything, I taught me how pathetic one looked when one couldn’t take “no” for an answer. I was going through my first crush, and I was the one who was pathetic trying to attract a neighbor’s daughter. After that blinding flash of revelation from a cartoon, I was over her and on to others. Laugh! Yeah, I was a real ladies man in my day or so I thought. Laugh!

So I disagree with the good doctor’s assertion and dismiss all this “revisionist history” about how terrible cartoons were for my generation. We have lost the ability to dismiss the trivial. Perhaps because, working on out non-trivial problems is hard.



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