INNOVATION: This Library In Minecraft Was Built By 24 People To Fight Censorship Across The World

Most of us live in countries where freedom of speech is considered a fundamental human right and it would be hard to imagine living in a different state than that. However, not all of us are blessed with this sometimes overlooked right as there are a number of countries in this world where governments actively censor their citizens, especially those whose profession is to report facts.

In a number of places around the world, journalists are banned, jailed, exiled, and even killed for their words. In order to make their message heard and reach the places where they’re banned, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) opened a special type of library that could reach millions. They built it in Minecraft.

Source: This Library In Minecraft Was Built By 24 People To Fight Censorship Across The World

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What an innovative way to bypass censorship!


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