ISP: Leave Yahoo email ASAP

It’s Time to Leave Yahoo: How to Quit and Move to Gmail Right Now
Ben Stegner  December 20, 2016

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For the second time in recent months, Yahoo has been hit with a security breach. This time, Yahoo announced that hackers stole details from a billion accounts in August 2013.

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I’m not a fan of giving control of your email to anyone even GMAIL.

That being said you should leave Yahoo. It’s going the way of Blackberry.

May I suggest that you have your own domain? The common wisdom, or is that common whizdumb, is to own your own name as a domain name. I own “”. (I like saying “sea sea me at”! will actually work!) It gives one quite a bit of control. And, it’s very cheap.

I know three solutions at 15$/year using wordpressdotcom with gmail, 25$/year email only with 1and1, and 60$/year for domain+email+webspace also at 1and1. My point is not that you should use 1and1. I could care less which one you use.

It’s that getting on to your own domain with email is cheap and easy. And, it’s not hotmail, yahoo, or gmail. It IS your own “personal brand”.

I use my own domain to receive mail and GMAIL to “handle it”.

Works very nicely.


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