TINFOILHAT: The JFK cover up IS proof


The Mystery of the Constant Flow of JFK Disinformation
By Russ Baker and Milicent Cranor Who.What.Why.
November 25, 2015

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One can debate that forever, though the assembled evidence is that it was not Oswald at all who wanted Kennedy dead, not Oswald who shot him. More important, however, is the evidence, everywhere, of a coverup — from hanky-panky in the autopsy room to a shockingly premature termination of any efforts to seriously investigate. Was the coverup itself not proof of more going on? Of course it was.

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Of course, and the cover up is often worse than the crime.

As a dedicated tin foil hat, I firmly believe that there is a lot more “covering up” than we understand.

I also think that it’s essential to just ask questions and not speculate.

The label, tin foil hat, and “Conspiracy Theorist”, are use to smear and denigrate legitimate questions.

After all, what is the harm in asking “questions”. Other than the answers might lead to more questions than answers.

I, for one, don’t know the “answer”, but every surely knows the “questions” (i.e., what are the facts; cut bono; where is the evidence).


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