GUNS: Home defender 1; now room temperature criminal zero.

Authorities say South Carolina teen used mother’s gun to kill burglar
Published November 11, 2015

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A South Carolina teenager left home alone used his mother’s gun to shoot and kill a burglar, authorities said Tuesday.

Fox Carolina reported that deputies responded to a report of shots fired at a home in Ladson Tuesday shortly before 2 p.m. EST Tuesday. When they arrived, they found the unidentified 13-year-old boy and asked him to come out of the home. 

The boy said he heard a vehicle pull up behind his house, then heard someone trying get inside a few minutes later. At that point, the teen picked up his mother’s gun and went to the back door of the home.
Authorities said the boy told them he fired the gun through the door and the person outside fired back.

The boy fired several more shots, apparently wounding the suspect. According to Fox Carolina, neighbors reported hearing gunshots before seeing a gray car pull out near the home and speed away. 

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While I don’t advocate firing thru doors at unidentified targets, this time it seemed to work out.

It’d be interesting if there were pictures of all involved and their criminal records. I’d be willing to bet that this is not the first time these two miscreants pulled this off.

Every child in America should know how to handle a gun safely. As well as other tools, like chainsaws, knives, drills, saws. It’s just another tool.

As a little L libertarian, I’m a porcupine. Cute and cuddly if you don’t mind a few quills when you attack. We’re not going to initiate a fight, but we will finish it.

This young man did a great public service. No way of knowing what other harms he has prevented. Hope he can live with the resulting PTSD.

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