ECONOMICS: “Mattresses” money?

It’s head for “the mattresses” time for savers worldwide
Posted by Deviant Investor on March 28th, 2013

Guest Post from Liberty Gold and Silver

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Well, there is another turf war going on, a worldwide one, one that threatens the entire economic and political landscape of the planet. It is between all the hard working savers on the planet and the ever greedy criminal bankers and their cohorts in government. The real big canary singing out an extreme danger warning to all traditional savers who wish to entrust their wealth to banks and other paper vehicles – stocks, bonds, etc., is the incredible emergency banking shutdown in the tiny island nation of Cyprus. Granted, Cyprus represents only .02% of the population of the European Union. Yet what is occurring there is the harbinger of great risk to traditional savers on every continent; and equally important, there are many more scary danger signs raising their ugly heads as well.

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Of course, Sheeple, it can’t happen here.

Why not?

Do you think that our politicians and bureaucrats are more “trustworthy” than theirs?

I keep looking back to the unfunded liabilities that the politicians have created in our names and the IRA/401k savings balances. 

I’m sure that they are looking at the fact that they only have to strong arm about 3k “custodians” and it’s all theirs.

And what are the Sheeple and Clovers going to do about it?

When they are putting people in the camps, it’ll be too late.

Can’t happen here?

Talk to the Japanese Americans, the American Indians, the follower of David Koresh!

In a heartbeat.


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