POLITICAL: “We’re all Catholics now.” — Mitt Romney

ere’s some discussion of the issue of the Obama mandate and a quote I hadn’t heard before.


Tipsy Teetotaler
Sensitively dependent on initial conditions.

Posted by: readerjohn | May 26, 2012
Breaching the Wall

*** begin quote ***

I’m starting to entertain the thought that a litmus test for bad guys versus good guys is that the former want to limit religion by arbitrary state redefinition, the latter to limit government to the terms of the Constitution.

I’ve been concerned with religious freedom pretty keenly since well before I set foot in law school, and I know that this issue is one where, whatever his other defects, Romney stands in stark contrast to Obama and his administration. “We’re all Catholics now.”

*** end quote ***

I think that he’s hit the nail on the head.

Limit Gooferments; not people!

# – # – # – # – #  2012-May-29 @ 07:32  

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