GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Drones over Amerika

WMAL in DC is going nuts with drones and drone sightings.

They have DOD documents that say that USAF is authorized to use them in a myriad of cases. 

So has the Big Brother “Surveillance State” become a fait acompli?

Similar to one’s electronic privacy that disappeared with the introduction of the Social Security Number.

You remember that gag “Not For Identification Purposes”?

I just had to give it to the gas, electric, and cable companies to start service at my new “crash pad”.


“We, The Sheeple” wake up. 

The “third revolutionary war” is over. YOU lost.

You may know return to the modern day bread and circuses where everyone depends on a Gooferment check (and YES, that INCLUDES Social Security!) and everyone watches “reality TV” for their “life”.

Argh! Squared.

By way of a small revolt, I only have one TV in my new condo. And, that’s just a concession to guests.

Argh! Cubed.

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