FUN: Are you kidding me?

LUDDITE sent me the link with his comment: “You have to be kidding me….seriously?”

*** begin quote ***

Man wins $50,000 on Tom Brady’s safety
By Maggie Hendricks | Shutdown Corner

A safety is a rare play in any game, but for it to happen in the Super Bowl as the first score of the game? No one would expect that to happen. No one would lay a bet on something so unlikely, right?

Wrong. Jona Rechnitz bet $1,000 at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas that the first score of the game would be a Giants safety. With 50-to-1 odds on such an unlikely score, Rechnitz is walking away from Las Vegas with a $50,000 pay day.

*** end quote ***


And not just any safety. The first scoring play of the game. For 1k$!

I’m stunned.

I’d made it a 100-1, 1000-1, or a million to one shot?

I’ve taken those weird bets for c note. Never a k note!

Maybe I just didn’t gamble BIG enough?

This certainly bumps Madonna’s hip, the other act flipping the bird, or the commercials off the hot topic of the day!

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