SERVICE: Google SITES is tough to use

I use a Google Site as an overflow area for my alumni ezine.

But it’s frustrating.

Take for instance, tables.

A basic concept.

SITES requires you to use HTML to get it working.

Not User friendly.

APPLE’s MOBILEME and IWEB isn’t much better.


And, I hate the thought of investing a lot of time, effort, and attention on something that may go away of change.


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2 thoughts on “SERVICE: Google SITES is tough to use

  1. No, why? While I see they have a free offering, why would I trust that service? At least Google is unlikely to pull the rug out from under me by folding or charging. I have other webspace; I just want to keep it all on free public space in case someone has to or wants to take it over. So I seek simple and free.


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