RANT: See where bailouts take you? To absurdity and beyond!


Why a Tiny Alabama Town Wants a $375 Million Chunk of the Stimulus
By Amanda Ruggeri
Posted January 8, 2009

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At first glance, the town of Edwardsville, Ala., with a population of 194 people, might raise a few eyebrows with its bid to receive $375 million from the economic stimulus package being assembled by Barack Obama and lawmakers in Congress.

The tiny town, located near the Georgia border and 26 miles from the nearest “big city” of Anniston (population: 24,276), added 33 proposals—about two thirds of them related to “green” energy—to the list of “ready- to- go” projects assembled by the U.S. Conference of Mayors. Total sum: $375,076,200.

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Obama warns of dire consequences without stimulus
Jan 8 01:29 PM US/Eastern
AP White House Correspondent

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FAIRFAX, Va. (AP) – President-elect Barack Obama warned of dire and long-lasting consequences if Congress doesn’t pump unprecedented dollars into the national economy, making an urgent pitch Thursday for his mammoth spending proposal in his first speech since the election.

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Obama laid out goals of doubling the production of alternative energy over three years, updating most federal buildings to improve energy efficiency, making medical records electronic, expanding broadband networks and updating schools and universities.

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Jan 8, 2009 … In an announcement that launched a thousand unprintable puns, adult- entertainment moguls Larry Flynt and Joe Francis said Wednesday that …

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There must be something in the air in the District of Corruption. The smell of the People’s money being available?

We really should thank Larry Flynt for pointing out the absurdity of the whole circus!

Have you contacted your congresscritter yet?


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