GUNS: take the guns out of the hands of law-biding citizens

This Hurricane Season
by Sean Gangol

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Yes, George deserves his share of the blame. However people seemed to forget that the local governments didn’t handle the emergences any better. The mayor of New Orleans is the one I blame the most. The man acted surprised when his city ended up underwater. Gee, who would ever think that a city that was built below sea level would be prone to flooding? I remember going to New Orleans ten years ago and hearing the locals dread the day that the big one would hit. Apparently the locals have known for a long time that New Orleans was destined to be hit with a catastrophic hurricane. So why is it that a city official never thought to plan ahead for a disaster like Katrina?

Then there were members of the New Orleans’ PD that showed compassion for their citizens by going door to door confiscating legally owned firearms. Of course they had to take the guns out of the hands of law-biding citizens; so that they could protect the officers that participated in the looting.

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When one plans your personal recovery effort, where you cache your weapons is a critical choice. Considering how the gooferment quickly confiscates them, you should have some spares put away.

Remember the Jews being rounded up and sent to the camps.

Can’t happen here? Have you forgotten the Japanese Internment, Katrina, and all the other demonstrations of the gooferment’s SOP.

Yup, I believe deep in my heart, that if each Jewish family had a gun when the storm trooper broke in and just killed the first thug, the Nazis would have run out of thugs very quickly.

So to, here in the new USAMERIKA, there will come a time when they will be coming. How will you meet them? As docile as a sheep, or like a porcupine?

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