TINFOILHAT: Who killed Marilyn Monroe?


Unearthed claim about JFK and Bobby Kennedy’s involvement in Marilyn Monroe’s death… and all the signs it wasn’t a suicide, revealed by MAUREEN CALLAHAN: ‘I know who killed her’
By Maureen Callahan For DailyMail.Com
Published: 12:13 EDT, 16 June 2024 | Updated: 12:33 EDT, 16 June 2024

  • On Saturday, in an exclusive extract of her new book ‘Ask Not: The Kennedys and the Women They Destroyed’, Maureen Callahan revealed the sordid secrets of Jackie and Aristotle Onassis’s marriage. Now, in this explosive next extract, she delves into the enduring mystery of Marilyn Monroe’s death…

*** begin quote ***

Both Kennedys were banned from Marilyn’s funeral by Joe DiMaggio.

‘I always knew who killed her, but I didn’t want to start a revolution in this country,’ he said later. ‘She told me someone would do her in, but I kept quiet.

‘The whole lot of Kennedys were lady-killers, and they always got away with it. They’ll be getting away with it a hundred years from now.’

*** end quote ***

I’m sure that JFK or Bobbie did NOT their own “wet work”.  

</sarcasm> … After all they were two good “Catholic” boys! … <sarcasm/>

One can’t read this excerpt without feel pity for Marilyn and Joe DiMaggio.  And disgust for the Kennedys!

Hard to read and not lose all respect for JFK despite all the good things he did and could have done.

Requiescat In Pacem Marilyn.


DISCOURAGING: Here’s a movie that personifies what going on in Gaza

I thought you might be interested in this page from Amazon.


Warsaw 44

The true story of a group of scouts called Szare Szeregi during the Nazi occupation of Warsaw. The liberation of one of its members through maverick military action in broad daylight known as ”Action at the Arsenal,” was the single biggest feat undertaken by a youth resistance organization in all of occupied Europe during WWII. Polish language with English subtitles.

IMDb 6.6 2 h 7 min 2014

# – # – # – # – # 

As movies go, it’s good.  Other than an unbelievable ending, it was good enough to viscerally demonstrate what happens when war is made on civilian populations.  The children suffer the worst.  It’s tragic. And, that’s why it is a “war crime”.

Fast forward 80 years, just like D-Day, and we can see what the people in Gaza are enduring.  It’s unforgivable.  And I hope all the politicians and bureaucrats, who caused it or failed to stop it, burn in a special ring of Hell for their part.

Dona Nobis Pacem


INTERESTING: In children’s movies there’s no SADNESS?

The movie IN/OUT2 introduced some new emotions like ENNUI (Boredom) and NOSTALGIA.  But there’s no SADNESS?  I guess in children’s movies there’s no SADNESS?.  Maybe I need to design a character.  Is there a GREEK GOD of “sadness”?


Oizys: Greek goddess of misery, greif, and depression | Pagans ...

Oizys: Greek goddess of misery, greif, and depression | Pagans …

*** and ***

"Greek Goddess of Sadness" Sticker by jamjammed | Redbubble

Akhlys: Greek God of Sadness

Hesiod’s account from the Shield of Heracles is chilling: “And beside the (the Keres and the Fates) was standing Akhlys, dismal and dejected, green and pale, dirty-dry, fallen in on herself with hunger, knee-swollen, and the nails were grown long on her hands, and from her nostrils the drip kept running, and off her cheeks the blood dribbled to the ground, and she stood there, grinning forever, and the dust that had gathered and lay in heaps on her shoulders was muddy with tears.”

*** and ***


Norse God of Sadness


INSPIRATIONAL: Perhaps we can learn the elephants’ names?


10 June 2024
Do elephants have names for each other?

  • Machine learning and careful observation suggest that some of the animals’ calls are specific to individuals, similar to a person’s name.

By Gemma Conroy 

*** begin quote ***

Call Me By My Name

A study yesterday revealed wild elephants may address each other by name, becoming one of only a handful of animals known to use unique sounds to address one another. 

The study examined 469 low-rumble sounds recorded from female African savanna elephants and their offspring from 1988 to 2022. A machine-learning model (see overview) analyzing the sounds was able to identify the elephant being addressed 27.5% of the time, a much higher rate than when the model was fed random audio. Researchers playing the audio clips in the wild elicited responses from the elephants in question, including movement toward the speaker as well as ear flapping and trunk movements.

It’s not clear which parts of the audio are the “names” or how naming conventions might work. Bottlenose dolphins and orange-fronted parakeets mimic each other’s signature noises (w/video) to get each other’s attention, while humans use naming conventions and dogs respond when called.

*** end quote ***

How little we know about our world and the things in it!

Not sure if this doesn’t mean that these are sentient intelligent creatures of God.

Sure makes me wonder.  Gobsmacked is another word for this finding. 

Makes its ones step closer to being Doctor Dolittle.


JOBFINDING: Make your job output objective and verifiable


Wells Fargo fires a dozen employees for pretending to work – here’s how they tried to get away with it
By Emma Richter For Dailymail.Com
Published: 16:36 EDT, 13 June 2024 | Updated: 16:44 EDT, 13 June 2024

*** begin quote ***

Dozens of Wells Fargo employees were fired after the bank investigated claims that they were pretending to work. 

The workers, who were all employed in the firm’s wealth and investment management unit, were let go last month after it was discovered they were allegedly involved in ‘simulation of keyboard activity,’ Bloomberg reported Thursday.  

According to disclosures filed with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, the former employees were ‘creating an impression of active work’ through simulation tools. 

*** end quote ***

Back when I had a life, I supervised big and small groups.  Often, geographically spread across the USA and in one assignment globally.  Early in my career, I hated “evaluations”.  So I turned it into a game.  I’d ask the employee or consultant how they would like to be managed?  Most were in favor of a “low touch; high autonomy” environment.  Me 2!  So, I’d ask them for objective criteria that they could use to demonstrate productivity and thus high ratings.  

Later, AT&T came up with “ratings and rankings” to merge groups of employees’ performance across divisions and departments.  That was right up our strong suit.  When you could make statements like: “Joe cleared 95% of his tickets in less than and hour with high end User satisfaction ratings” or “Jane completed over 700 security exceptions with a MTTR of 4 hours and has received 36 positive User feedback emails to the Division Head from his counterpart.”  It was easy to justify that “my” Joe or Jane was “better” than  “their” Sam or Sarah. If “my” people didn’t get that “Outstanding” rating  — which meant more salary or bonus money and promotions  — I could tell them why and they could come up with their own “improvement plans”.  Win for them and win for me.  

I got high ratings for employee performance, morale, attendance, safety, and all sort of other stuff.  And, I was always AMAZED that “leadership” never asked me how I did it.  Which was fine with me.  I was happy to keep my “special sauce” secret.

In looking for a “job”, sell your past successes “objectively” and in metrics that focus on creating value for others.



VOCABULARY: AI hallucination or when a search engine tells you put glue on your pizza


How will Apple’s new AI change your phone? I asked Tim Cook. In an interview, Tim Cook explains how Apple’s new AI will enhance your work and life, with guardrails.
By Josh Tyrangiel
June 11, 2024 at 5:07 a.m. EDT

*** begin quote ***

Apple Intelligence will not hallucinate?

*** end quote ***

Kinda like following GPS directions from Google or any other source and you winding up on a Forrest Service road up to your eyeballs in snow.

Or worse.

So, now we are going to have to be skeptical on what the “computer tells us”.

Caveat Emptor.


INNOVATION: Always dress kids in bright and contrasting colors to make them safe


The color of your child’s swimsuit can play a role in their safety at the pool, experts say
By Jacqueline Howard, CNN
Updated 9:49 AM EDT, Sun June 9, 2024

*** begin quote ***

 “People should avoid swimsuits in light blue, gray, or green as they can blend with the water and pool surroundings, making it difficult to spot a child. We recommend bright and contrasting colors such as neon yellow, orange, pink, and bright red,” Fisher added. “These colors are highly visible both underwater and on the surface.

Swimsuit colors are not talked about enough in public safety, said Wyatt Werneth, a coastal lifeguard in Florida and spokesperson for the American Lifeguard Association.

“The bright clothes are something that we’ve identified as being a game-changer. If you have the same colors of the water or the environment, you’re going to blend in,” Werneth said while patrolling Cocoa Beach. 

*** end quote ***

The article makes the point that it is NOT just the beach but for “camping” and all activities.

I like the idea of taking a picture first thing as a safety measure.

Hope it’s never needed.


DISCOURAGING: Isn’t killing animals the first step in the psychopath serial killers development?


Appalling moment pack of warped teenagers shoot family’s friendly pet cat dead – then pull out their phones to film kitty writhe in agony as she died
By Mitchell Goodbar For Dailymail.Com
Published: 01:27 EDT, 8 June 2024 | Updated: 02:08 EDT, 8 June 2024 

*** begin quote ***

In the video, five teenage boys surround the cat, named Vortex, who appears to be lounging on the corner of the street.

After a few moments, one of the sick boys pulls out a long-barreled gun and aims it at Vortex, who was cherished for her sweet and friendly personality. 

Then the teenager fired his gun and struck the cat. 

*** and ***

The Salem Police Department recently charged two 17-year-old teens in connection with the cat’s slaying.

Both of the boys were charged with first-degree aggravated animal abuse. One of them was additionally charged with evidence tampering. 

But the investigation remains ongoing. The teenager who shot the cat has not been identified, and the weapon he used has not been recovered.

*** end quote ***

Isn’t killing pets a sign of a future serial killer psychopath?

Sorry, but these are not “teenagers” any more.  They should be charged as adults.

But since this is Oregon, I expect a slap on the wrist and sent home to plan their next “adventure” like a school shooting.

Where are we going as nation to produce monsters like these?


INTERESTING: Since the States regulate casinos … …


*** begin quote ***

(Yahoo) Woman hits slot machine jackpot, gets screwed out of her winnings by casino. What else is new (ca.finance.yahoo.com) divider line  

*** and ***


DrD'isInfotainment: Good for her. She should sue the fark outa that Casino

It should not be necessary though. States give casinos a license to print money. They should regulate them to force them to pay these kind of wins. If the casino wants to recoup because the machine is defective, it can deal with courts to take it out on the manufacturer. It’s bad enough their business model is already to screw over patrons, why make it easier by letting them weasel out of paying the rare jackpot? (Besides the corruption, I mean.) 

*** end quote ***

Since the States regulate casinos … …  

… … shouldn’t they step in a force the casino to pay off? 

Why should this “winner” have to spend money to go to a Gooferment court to recover from a Gooferment regulated enterprise?


An excelled point by this FARKer.


INTERESTING: Since the States regulate casinos … …


*** begin quote ***

(Yahoo) Woman hits slot machine jackpot, gets screwed out of her winnings by casino. What else is new (ca.finance.yahoo.com) divider line  

*** and ***


DrD'isInfotainment: Good for her. She should sue the fark outa that Casino

It should not be necessary though. States give casinos a license to print money. They should regulate them to force them to pay these kind of wins. If the casino wants to recoup because the machine is defective, it can deal with courts to take it out on the manufacturer. It’s bad enough their business model is already to screw over patrons, why make it easier by letting them weasel out of paying the rare jackpot? (Besides the corruption, I mean.) 

*** end quote ***

Since the States regulate casinos … …  

… … shouldn’t they step in a force the casino to pay off? 

Why should this “winner” have to spend money to go to a Gooferment court to recover from a Gooferment regulated enterprise?


An excelled point by this FARKer.


INTERESTING: Since the States regulate casinos … …


*** begin quote ***

(Yahoo) Woman hits slot machine jackpot, gets screwed out of her winnings by casino. What else is new (ca.finance.yahoo.com) divider line  

*** and ***


DrD'isInfotainment: Good for her. She should sue the fark outa that Casino

It should not be necessary though. States give casinos a license to print money. They should regulate them to force them to pay these kind of wins. If the casino wants to recoup because the machine is defective, it can deal with courts to take it out on the manufacturer. It’s bad enough their business model is already to screw over patrons, why make it easier by letting them weasel out of paying the rare jackpot? (Besides the corruption, I mean.) 

*** end quote ***

Since the States regulate casinos … …  

… … shouldn’t they step in a force the casino to pay off? 

Why should this “winner” have to spend money to go to a Gooferment court to recover from a Gooferment regulated enterprise?


An excelled point by this FARKer.


GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Kelo, the SCOTUS decision, thatjust keeps on giving … …


Small businesses accuse Missouri city of forcing them out with baseless blight label to score lucrative deal
Small businesses file lawsuit against St. Louis suburb in eminent domain case 
By Megan Myers, Hannah Ray Lambert Fox News
Published June 5, 2024 5:00am EDT 

*** begin quote ***

Three small businesses are suing a St. Louis suburb, accusing the local government of sneakily steamrolling them to make a hefty profit through a deal that could financially cripple longtime mom-and-pop shops.

“All the politicians say every day on the news how great we are, but when we’re in their way, we’re not so great,” Feather-Craft Fly Fishing President Bob Story said about small businesses. “You can be a part of a community for 30-plus years and be treated like you’re worthless.”

The city of Brentwood, Missouri, is threatening to use eminent domain to force out businesses on a major road for a multi-million dollar redevelopment plan. A few longtime business owners accused the city of making a groundless claim that the area has been “blighted” to justify the lucrative project on Manchester Road, leading them to file their lawsuit.

*** and ***

Property owners could either sell willingly or be forced out by eminent domain.

In 2005, the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in favor of cities using eminent domain to seize property for economic development in the Kelo vs. New London case. Certain states, including Missouri, have since taken steps to protect property owners, but loopholes have allowed cities to take advantage of vulnerable areas like Manchester Road, the business owners said. 

In Missouri, state law allows the government to seize private property that has been deemed blighted, broadly defined as having “insanitary or unsafe conditions, deterioration of site improvements” or other factors that present “economic or social liability.”

*** end quote ***

In Kelo, a neighborhood was seized and flattened for a Pfizer Headquarters that was never built.

Wonder whose nests got feathered by that “deal”?  Wasn’t the home owners.

Sounds like the same type of “deal” here.



POLITICAL: How can anyone dispute any “elections are stolen” claim?


Arizona GOP files lawsuit over more than 500,000 ‘unaccounted-for voters on the rolls’
By Washington Examiner Staff  — June 5, 2024 7:10 am

*** begin quote ***

“Accurate voter rolls are the bedrock of our constitutional republic,” said Gina Swoboda, Chair of the Arizona Republican Party. “The rampant presence of ineligible voters on our rolls is unacceptable and undermines the trust Arizonans place in our electoral process.” 

According to the lawsuit, research into the state’s voter rolls discovered that Arizona has between 500,000 to 1.27 million invalid registrations, including deceased people and those who have left the state. Additionally, some counties were found to have “outrageous voter registration rates,” with some having a total list of voter names that exceeded “100% of eligible voters.”

“The AZGOP and the Arizona Free Enterprise Club are demanding the immediate implementation of an effective voter list maintenance program to comply with NVRA mandates,” read a statement posted on the X account for the Republican Party of Arizona. 

*** end quote ***

As far as I am concerned the Conspiracy Theory that “the election in <insert favorite political jurisdiction> was stolen” by its very assertion I deem as “Category 1  —  Generally Accepted As True”.  I don’t care if it’s asserted by DJT, Hillary, any D, any R, any L, or just some random loon on the street.  I treat it as true.

Until these type of voter fraud are reported as factually inaccurate, my default is that ALL elections are suspect and rigged.



RANT: Zero tolerance for criminals … period!


Gunman who shot 2 NYPD cops revealed to be migrant who recently crossed into US via Eagle Pass: sources
By Larry Celona, Joe Marino, and Emily Crane
Published June 3, 2024
Updated June 3, 2024, 7:00 a.m. ET

*** begin quote ***

A 19-year-old Venezuelan migrant shot two cops early Monday when they tried to stop him as he was riding a motorized scooter, according to police and sources.

The officers had tried to pull over the teen, identified as Bernardo Castro Mata, after spotting him driving the wrong way down a street at 89th Street and 23rd Avenue in Elmhurst at about 1:40 a.m., police said.

The suspect quickly ditched the moped and fled on foot for several blocks, according to cops.

*** end quote ***

I presume he is an illegal immigrant!

Seems like he needs to be turned over to Immigration and deported with a never to return tattoo!

Zero tolerance for crime, especially gun possession, and firing at the police.



ECONOMICS: Despite “carbon credits”, imagine how liberty would work


New Tool to Mitigate Algae Blooms Shows Breakthrough Results in Utah, Scientists Say
By Andy Corbley – May 31, 2024 

*** begin quote ***

The restoration process was undertaken by the Utah Waterbodies Restoration Program, which in turn was carried out in partnership with Brigham City, Utah, at no cost to the city because of the 12,913 tonnes of carbon credits that were sold to fund the clean-up of Mantua Reservoir.

*** end quote ***

Well, imagine if the Mantua Reservoir was privately owned.  An entrepreneur would look at it as an untapped resource.  Not hard to imagine the reservoir owner investing in clean up to sell fishing and boating licenses.  As well as all the other economic activity that would “spring up” like bait shops, fast food, boat sales, boat storage, and things we can’t even imagine.

So instead of “worshiping at the false god of climate change” and Gooferment bureaucrats preventing economic activity, let’s unleash the creativity for a truly free market economy.



DISCOURAGING: how low can the USA go?


Shocking new footage emerges of huge wooden ‘shantytown’ built in Democrat-run city whose name is byword for crime and urban decay
By Ishita Srivastava For Dailymail.Com
Published: 00:34 EDT, 2 June 2024 | Updated: 10:48 EDT, 2 June 2024

*** begin quote ***

Shocking footage has emerged showing a gigantic ‘shantytown’ that has sprung up in Oakland, as the California city’s slide into crime-ravaged squalor continues.  

Michael Oxford, the host of CaliBased, posted a video on May 31 of massive temporary houses built along service roads that open up into main roads in Hooverville, Oakland. 

The footage showed trash strewn around scores of houses that were built of wood, tarp and other discarded materials. 

*** end quote ***

Not fair to call it Hooverville.  Even Biden-ville wouldn’t be fair.  Maybe Newsom-ville?


VOCABULARY: BACKRONYM — an after the fact phrase for an acronym

I discovered the Word of the Day from Dictionary.com, and I wanted to share it with you. https://www.dictionary.com/e/word-of-the-day/backronym-2024-05-31/

*** begin quote ***

an existing word turned into an acronym by creating an apt phrase whose initial letters match the word, as to help remember it or offer a theory of its origin.

  •     First recorded in 1980–85.
  •     Formed from the word back “toward the rear” and (ac)ronym, “a word formed from the initial letters or groups of letters of words in a set phrase and pronounced as a separate word.”


  •     Some people believe the word news stands for “notable events, weather, and sports,” but that’s not accurate; it’s a backronym.
  •     My neighbor insists that SOS means “Save Our Ship” and wouldn’t believe that people made up that backronym years after SOS was first used.

*** end quote ***

So how did “news” originate. Just “new items”?

I learned something from this.



VETERANS: Remembering the heroines behnd the scenes


The women who made D-Day possible: How crucial work under-the-radar helped the Allies stage daring Normandy invasion to liberate Western Europe from Nazi tyranny 
By Cameron Roy
Published: 10:56 EDT, 2 June 2024 | Updated: 11:42 EDT, 2 June 2024

*** begin quote ***

Eighty years ago this week, 156,000 Allied troops landed on the beaches of Normandy in France on D-Day to Liberate Europe from Nazi tyranny.

It is one of the most well-remembered battles in history, with annual remembrance ceremonies taking part on the famous beaches where thousands of men died.

But some argue the celebration of the role women played in helping the Allies prepare for the invasion has been neglected in comparison.

*** end quote ***

Here’s two women’ memoirs that would make an eye opening read.

Too soon we forget how “war” consumes huge amounts of resources and leaves behind a legacy that shouldn’t be forgotten.



VETERANS: Senator Elizabeth Dole 21st Century Veterans Healthcare and Benefits Improvement Act makes things worse


ROGERS: Only Veterans Lose at VA Monopoly
by Sam Rogers | May 29, 2024 | Opinion

*** begin quote ***

The VA’s fingerprints can be found all over the recently introduced the Senator Elizabeth Dole 21st Century Veterans Healthcare and Benefits Improvement Act, which gives VA bureaucrats the power to take a veteran in crisis and send them to a facility on the other side of the country rather than getting them help where they are, as fast as possible. It even sunsets consideration of “Best Medical Interest” which should objectively terrify any healthcare recipient.

*** end quote ***

The old joke about vets saying that their VA doc is out to kill them seems to right true.


Anyone remember D-Day and why vets deserve the best care available?


VOCABULARY: Ever heard of “trading sardines”


*** begin quote ***

In 1896, the discovery of gold in Canada’s Yukon territory launched an era now known as the Yukon-Klondike gold rush.

Over the next two years, 100,000 miners flooded into the area in search of the next big gold strike. 

But it was far from easy… 

The trek was treacherous… The competition was fierce… And the weather was glacial.

During the winter of 1896–1897, the water around Alaska’s ports froze solid, which forced shipping to shut down completely.

The result was a major food shortage—and skyrocketing prices for the little amount of available supplies.

In the most isolated regions of Alaska, a single can of sardines—which cost $0.10 in New York—sold for many times that amount. And thanks to the demand from starving miners, the price kept rising.

Legend has it that one miner, desperate for a meal, bought a can for $100.

But when he went to open it, the fish was rotten.

He tracked down the seller, demanding his money back.

The seller was confused—asking the buyer why he would open the can in the first place.

He told the miner, “Those are trading sardines, not eating sardines.”

This piece of market lore is a commonly cited metaphor for speculative trading, where an asset can keep rising… and traders—suffering from FOMO (fear of missing out)—keep bidding the price higher. Meanwhile, the asset is—from a practical standpoint—worthless.

*** end quote ***

HEALTH: What is the impact of blood supply contamination?


Researchers Call for Urgent Action to Address Mass Contamination of Blood Supply
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
May 27, 2024 

*** begin quote ***

Story at-a-glance

  •     Japanese researchers warn of the risks of using blood from mRNA COVID vaccine recipients, highlighting potential deadly effects and the need for urgent action to secure the global blood supply
  •     Blood contaminated with prion-like structures from the spike protein raises the risk of inducing fatal neurodegenerative diseases in recipients. The potential transmission of harmful proteins through exosomes (“shedding”) and the risk of autoimmune diseases due to the vaccines’ mechanism and components like lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) are other major concerns
  •     Proposals for managing blood collection include rigorous donor interviews, deferral periods, and a suite of tests to ensure the safety of blood products
  •     The researchers advocate for comprehensive testing of both jabbed and unjabbed individuals to assess the safety of blood products and suggest discarding blood products contaminated with spike proteins or modified mRNA until effective removal methods have been developed
  •     They call for suspending all gene-based “vaccines” and conducting a rigorous harm-benefit assessment in light of the serious health injuries reported. They also urge countries and organizations to take concrete steps to address and mitigate the already identified risks

*** end quote ***

Looks like we have not heard the end of the impact of the COVID MRNA “vaccine”.  Reminds me of thalidomide where there were terrible second generation birth defects from pregnant women who too the drug.  When will humanity learn not to conduct mass experiments with untested “stuff”.  That can be drugs, diets, or even “ideas” like memes.  I see a big correlation between AIDS, thalidomide, and “socialism / communism”.  All giant society wide experiments with terrible impacts.



VOCABULARY: The hikikomori, aka moden day recluse


A shrinking life: Why some Asian youth withdraw from the world

By Jessie Yeung, Sophie Jeong, Carlotta Dotto, Woojin Lee, Kenneth Uzquiano and Saki Toi

Published May 25, 2024

*** begin quote ***

Like many hikikomori, he would sleep all day and wake at dusk. Then at night, when his family went to bed, he spent hours scrolling on his phone.

*** end quote ***

Like Howard Hughes?


TECHNOLOGY: When to we own what we purchase


Samsung Requires Independent Repair Shops to Share Customer Data, Snitch on People Who Use Aftermarket Parts, Leaked Contract Shows
Jason Koebler
May 23, 2024 at 9:19 AM

*** begin quote ***

The contract requires repair shops to “immediately disassemble” devices that have parts “not purchased from Samsung.”

In exchange for selling them repair parts, Samsung requires independent repair shops to give Samsung the name, contact information, phone identifier, and customer complaint details of everyone who gets their phone repaired at these shops, according to a contract obtained by 404 Media. Stunningly, it also requires these nominally independent shops to “immediately disassemble” any phones that customers have brought them that have been previously repaired with aftermarket or third-party parts and to “immediately notify” Samsung that the customer has used third-party parts.

“Company shall immediately disassemble all products that are created or assembled out of, comprised of, or that contain any Service Parts not purchased from Samsung,” a section of the agreement reads. “And shall immediately notify Samsung in writing of the details and circumstances of any unauthorized use or misappropriation of any Service Part for any purpose other than pursuant to this Agreement. Samsung may terminate this Agreement if these terms are violated.”

*** end quote ***

Sorry but this seems to be a monopoly behavior.  At what point do we actually own things that we buy?  Not rent  Not license.  Not lease.  But “buy”.

I think that Samsung needs a lesson in free market capitalism.
