INSPIRATIONAL: This seems to be a big step forward to a real solution

Texas Tiny Home Community Thrives With 2,000 Neighbors: Easing Homelessness in Austin
By Andy Corbley – Jan 9, 2024 

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“…No one’s ever done what they’re about to do,” Mark Hilbelink, the director of Austin’s largest homeless-services provider, told the New York Times.

In a big feature for the Times, Lucy Tompkins documents the stories of hope and recovery that some of the residents have lived through since moving to Community First!, which is run with a Christian ethic of “Neighborhoods of Knowingness.”

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For all the politicians and bureaucrats slavering about the issue, little gets done.  In this day and age, one would think that if the Gooferment would just get out of the way with all its diktats and “regulations”, private charity could “solve” the problem.  Like the lessons from the Great Chicago Fire, intelligent help can do wonders. All Gooferment did was close down the mental asylums to “save money” and never deliver the local mental health resources that were promised.



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