INTERESTING: Flaco, the beloved Eurasian Eagle Owl, may dem,onstrate a cheap way to address NYC’s rat proble,

Flaco, beloved owl who escaped Central Park Zoo year ago, dead: officials
By  Richard Pollina
Published Feb. 23, 2024
Updated Feb. 24, 2024, 1:14 a.m. ET

*** begin quote ***

Though the Eurasian Eagle Owl is not native to North America, Flaco had been successfully feasting on the plentiful bounty of rats in Central Park and around the city since his escape.

“He has been very successful at hunting and consuming the abundant prey in the park,” the zoo said last year.

The Eurasian Eagle Owl is one of the larger owl species, with a wingspan of up to 79 inches and weighing three to nine pounds, according to the Wildlife Conservation Society.

*** and ***

The Eurasian Eagle Owl is not currently on the endangered species list but has been flagged as a “concerned” species given the decline in local populations worldwide. 

*** end quote ***

Now I’m just a fat old white guy retired injineer but could the Universe have just sent us a “messenger” in the shape of Flaco, the beloved Eurasian Eagle Owl, as to how to control rats in NYC?

We know that NYC rats are BIG problem.  Some of them are the size of small pigs.  And they breed prolifically.  

Since NYC residents can’t seem to control them and the Pepuls Republik of Nu Jerk City are equally helpless, let solve this species’ “concerned” status.

I’m always reluctant to mess with the Universe, but maybe a few breeding pairs of Flaco’s cousins, could bring the rat population under control.  Hell, maybe Eurasian Eagle Owl could replace the other “rat” in the City  — the pigeon. 

A win for all involved at a minimal cost.

Maybe John Oliver could get NYC to make the Eurasian Eagle Owl the City’s official bird?  It worked for the Pūteketeke in New Zealand!

(Hey John Oliver, feel free to steal this idea for a signed picture of you with an Eurasian Eagle Owl.  Otherwise, © 2019 Ferdinand J. Reinke All Rights Reserved. Laugh!)


GOVEROTRAGEOUS: US forces fighting in Gaza??????

US News exclusive

US airman Aaron Bushnell claimed to have classified knowledge of US forces fighting in Gaza tunnels on night before setting himself on fire: pal

Jack Morphet, Andy Tillett, and Kate Sheehy

Published Feb. 27, 2024, 7:56 p.m. ET

# – # – # – # – # 

If this is true then Biden and others should be impeached immediately.


DISCOURAGING: Will SCOTUS reign in “Javert” Jack Smith

February 23, 2024
Jack Smith Will Annoy the Supreme Court
By Sean Ross Callaghan 

*** begin quote ***

A unanimous Supreme Court should restore the federal courts’ reputation by denouncing “Javert” Jack Smith and his jurisprudence of jihad and announcing that it will take all due time to consider presidential immunity from criminal prosecution and to craft an opinion to stand the test of time, the timing of the election be damned.

*** end quote ***

One can only hope that SCOTUS or some other fair-minded judge puts a HARD STOP to this “law fare”!


DISCOURAGING: Abandonment makes crazy children

Rob Henderson: The Three Adults Who Abandoned Me

  • My biological father, my birth mom, and my adoptive dad all left me. They also taught me the most important lesson of my life.

By Rob Henderson
February 19, 2024

# – # – # – # – # 

Since my father abandoned my mom and me three times, I believe I grew up screwed up.  

I am preventing one youngster from compound abandonment issues.  

I understand how it screws you up in your life.

It’s a sadness you carry all your life.

Dona Nobis Pacem



GOVEROTRAGEOUS: CDC releases data and it’s stunning commnets

CDC releases V-safe free-text data because they want everyone to know just how unsafe the COVID vaccine really is

  • Now, you can download the data and see for yourself what people reported.

Steve Kirsch

*** begin quote ***

Executive summary

The CDC has released the first drop of the V-safe free-text comments so everyone can see for themselves that the COVID vaccine has extremely serious safety problems.

There are nearly 400,000 comments in this release.

The only question is: why did they wait so long to do this?

In my opinion, these “customer testimonials” are the single best selling tool they have to get people to take the COVID vaccine.

The CDC should be running TV and newspaper ads! Something like “Are you unsure whether the COVID vaccine is right for you? Here is what our satisfied users had to say about this amazing product that will change your life, sometimes forever!”

*** end quote ***

Reading some of the comments — and being attuned to some of the various disastrous deaths and cancers that might be in some way related — I’ll pass on this chemistry experiment while sticking with the old traditional definition of vaccine. As always, YMMV.

Remember “they” redefined  “vaccine” to include this new genetic engineering technology.  Forced as many as possible to take it with intimidation, threats, and coercion.  Ignored the concept of “informed consent” and “my body; my choice”.  Gave Big Pharma complete immunity from lawsuits.  And, ignored vaccine injuries, sudden cardiac deaths, flawed “trials” (i.e., remember eliminating control groups). 

Never mind the whole safe and effective “horse pill” that won a Nobel Prize for eliminating river blindness.

Then we have the small matter of the “emergency use” while having a licensed product.

Sorry, but do what you want, but “no thank you” for me.

#endthefda #endthecdc


GOVERNACIDE: UK woman killed by Gooferment “health care”

999: Leicestershire woman dies at home hours after calling for ambulance
By Samantha Noble  — BBC News, East Midlands

*** begin quote ***

Janet Lyon died from pneumonia

A 67-year-old woman died trying to get through to her GP surgery three hours after calling for an ambulance which was not sent.

Janet Lyon, from Leicestershire, was struggling to breathe on 27 December.

She was told to go to a walk-in centre or her GP by a 999 call handler after it was determined she had an urgent problem which was not life-threatening.

East Midlands Ambulance Service (EMAS) apologised but found the 999 call was handled appropriately.

It added the service was experiencing “high demand” at the time.

Ms Lyon’s daughter Katie Keating put in a formal complaint to EMAS and said she was “enraged” at the response. 

*** end quote ***

Here we have a classic example of Gooferment “service”.  “We are too busy for you.”

Well that got rid of a pensioner and save the Gooferment lots of money.  No mater that she “drowned” alone.

In a profit making enterprise, they’d have adequate staff or alternative arrangements.  “Like you’re ambulatory and not a class 1 emergency, let’s call you a taxi to the ER.”

But no, politicians and bureaucrats have their own incentive structure and we ain’t in it.

Can you imagine a politician getting this response.  I can’t.


How does “We, The Sheeple” allow Gooferment into such important functions?


TECHNOLOGY: No help for you if you ext to a land line

A now funny incident pointed out a “hidden flaw” in the process of sending a text message.

A recent “I’m hone safe” text message was not received which led to a comedy of errors worthy of a Marx Brothers’ skit.  

An “after action” review  — although it wasn’t called that  — revealed that the text message was sent to a land line.

No error message was “thrown up”.

It would seem that Apple and Android could easily validate mobile versus landline and prevent such a blunder.

But, I guess there’s no demand for such “smarts”; just AI to produce revenue.



ECONOMICS: College grads STILL earn less that plumbers

The Dumb American Worker
By Bill Sardi
August 6, 2019

*** begin quote ***

Here we go, socialist jingo. Note the words “income inequality.” Joining a union is not going to get you anywhere as the union takes a cut of your paycheck. Unions, plus or minus, socialize what a worker is worth.  

Businesses operate in a competitive market. Cost of labor can doom a restaurant owner who is only working on a 10% profit margin to begin with. Of course, we can halt competition. Then the cost of everything rises.

We send American kids to school with no orientation on how to get a job, how to build their worth, how to develop job skills. Students pass a few college classes that hand out true or false tests and that makes them worth more in the labor market? Young Americans would be better off working as an understudy plumber. 

A few years ago The Wall Street Journal published a report showing plumbers make more money (six figures) than college graduates. 

*** end quote ***

And, I just shake my head at the “stupidity” of “immature adults” taking loans for degrees that command no use in the market place.


ConspiracyTheories: MH370 theory about murder suicide

Pilot explains how those in charge of MH370 could have easily carried out a plot to deliberately crash

  •     Mike Glynn is a retired Qantas pilot
  •     He believes the pilot of MH370 could have depressurised the cabin 
  •     READ MORE: Why we may never know what happened to the MH370 

By Ashley Nickel and David Southwell For Daily Mail Australia
Published: 01:09 EST, 18 February 2024 | Updated: 03:36 EST, 18 February 2024

*** begin quote ***

A retired Qantas pilot has opened up on what may have happened during the mysterious MH370 flight that disappeared almost 10 years ago.

Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 vanished over the South China Sea during a flight from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to Beijing, China, on March 8, 2014.

The puzzling case made headlines across the world as it seemed the plane, which carried 239 people – including six Australians, disappeared without a trace.

Just one week after the plane was downed, then-Malaysian prime minister Najib Razak claimed there was a ‘high degree of certainty’ communications with MH370’s cockpit were deliberately cut.

One popular theory is the crash was a murder-suicide at the hands of captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah, 53, but it has never been confirmed by authorities.

*** and ***

British aerospace engineer Richard Godfrey last month accused the Malaysian Government of abandoning its search for MH370.

He claims the government did not want to invest any more funding into the mission, despite several calls from victims’ families to relaunch search efforts last year.

‘In my view, the Malaysian government does not want the cause of the crash of MH370 to be known,’ he told the Sydney Morning Herald.

‘It does not help to speculate what the motives of the Malaysian Government might be with regard to MH370.’ 

*** end quote ***

Sad to say but this “story” does nothing to answer the questions or prove that it was a murder – suicide.


GOVEROTRAGEOUS: rare disease isn’t so rare in Lehigh Valley Health Network?

12 new families file class action lawsuit against LVHN, doctor accused of false diagnoses
69 News, Rob Manch Feb 16, 2024 

*** begin quote ***

An Easton couple has filed the second civil complaint against Lehigh Valley Health Network and Dr. Debra Esernio-Jenssen, who has been accused of intentionally misdiagnosing children as victims of abuse from their parents. 

Esernio-Jenssen is accused of systematically overdiagnosing children with a rare condition called Munchausen syndrome by proxy, in which a child’s caretaker makes up fake symptoms to make the child appear sick. She is also accused of falsely accusing parents of child abuse — which has led to some parents losing custody of their children or serving prison time, the lawsuit alleges.

The lawsuit lists a total of 17 causes of action against Jenssen, LVHN and other defendants. Among these causes are corporate negligence, medical professional liability (multiple causes), interference with parental rights, fraud and invasion of privacy.

*** end quote ***

Now the Gooferment is up to their elbows in the regulation of the Big Medical industry.  Of course, just “to protect us”!

I hope that some of these lawsuits reach the politicians, bureaucrats, and executives involved.

Bankrupt the people and organizations at fault.



GOVERNACIDE: A five-time deported illegal alien kills

Five-Time Deported Illegal Alien Accused of Killing 10-Year-Old Boy Walking Home from School

John Binder  —  15 Feb 2024

*** begin quote ***

A five-time deported illegal alien is now accused of killing a 10-year-old boy walking home from school in Midland, Texas, in a hit-and-run crash.

Rogelio Ortiz-Olivas, a 50-year-old five-time deported illegal alien from Mexico, has been arrested and charged with drunk driving and causing a fatal hit-and-run crash that ultimately killed 10-year-old Alex “AJ” Wise, Jr.

*** end quote ***

Seems like the Gooferment is unwilling to enforce the laws.  Time for a revolution.




HEROIC: If a rickshaw-puller who wore used clothes and had no education can support 300 children to go to school … …


Loving and Amazing World
Posted by Richard Strachan

*** begin quote ***

In 1987, a 74-year-old rickshaw puller by the name of Bai Fangli came back to his hometown planning to retire from his backbreaking job. There, he saw children working in the fields, because they were too poor to afford school fees.

Bai came back to Tianjin and resumed his job as a rickshaw puller, securing a humble lodging near the railway station. He remained available for customers around the clock, consumed basic meals, and dressed in cast-off second-hand attire he stumbled upon. Every penny he earned through hard work went towards assisting underprivileged children in accessing education.

In 2001, he drove his rickshaw to Tianjin YaoHua Middle School, to deliver his last installment of money. Nearly 90 years old, he told the students that he couldn’t work anymore. All of the students and teachers were moved to tears.

In total, Bai donated a total of 350,000 yuan to help more than 300 poor students continue with their studies. In 2005, Bai passed away leaving behind an inspiring legacy.

If a rickshaw-puller who wore used clothes and had no education can support 300 children to go to school, imagine what you and I can do with the resources we have to bring about positive change in our world!

*** end quote ***

Stunning contribution by an already old man.  I can’t imagine this in the here and now.


TECHNOLOGY: Great stickers for social media



a virtual sticker that reads 'Do not reply to tell me you don't have this problem'

a virtual sticker that reads 'Do not reply unless you have direct experience'


a virtual sticker that reads ‘Do not reply, I’m just complaining, not asking for help’


a virtual sticker that reads 'This is an observation. Do not attempt to help. No reply necessary.'

*** end quote ***

Great idea!


ECONOMICS: Changing CEO incentives to more align with the needs of society

Why They Don’t Care
By Eric – February 14, 2024

*** begin quote ***

People ask why the CEOs of major automakers go along with what’s going on; can’t they see it’s killing their business?

Of course. They are not stupid people. But they are extremely wealthy people. So wealthy they don’t have to care – about anything. Certainly not whether the company they head goes under at some point in the future.

It won’t affect them, you see.

Consider GM’s Mary Barra as a case in point. She is paid around $29-30 million every year. It is difficult for the average middle class person who earns a “good living” to appreciate just how much money Barra is paid (I am careful to not say earns) in just one year.

*** end quote ***

I have long thought that “executive compensation” focused on high salaries and stock options.  This has lead to a conflict in “incentives”.  The short term focus of corporate management and investment firms has been disaster for the economy, all the “little people”, pension funds, and investors.  Corporate management has no incentive to manage for the long run. 

It’s time for the Gooferment and the tax code to change the incentives.

I’ve always thought that “corporate management” should be paid is a modest “salary” (i.e., the average paid to individuals in their company), and any “excess” or “performance bonuses” in  laddered tiers of non-transferable corporate bonds (with allowances for death and personal bankruptcy).  Should their corporation goes “tits up” before those bonds mature, well then that’s just tough luck.

That will realign the incentives quickly.

To “encourage” quick adoption, excessive salary could have a special FU tax associated with it.  I’d like it paid to  the share owners, but that is getting down the road.

Maybe this would make those i the C-suite care!


GOVEROTRAGEOUS: USPS mail delivery test — failed

We sent 11 packages with Air Tags through priority mail last month. Here’s where they went.

  • In January, we boxed up 11 packages with Apple AirTags and shipped them to different locations in the Houston area. The packages were tracked in real time.

Author: Stephen Goin
Published: 11:49 PM EST February 4, 2024
Updated: 8:33 AM EST February 6, 2024 

*** begin quote ***

Ultimately, only one package was delivered by the “expected” delivery date. In fact, it was early – arriving in just two days. The rest of the packages took up to five days to arrive.

    Jan. 26 ……… one package delivered

    Jan. 30 ……… three packages delivered

    Jan. 31 ……… three packages delivered

    Feb. 1 ………. four packages delivered

*** end quote ***

Pretty sad but to be expected.  I had a disappointing result with FedEx.  So what can you use?



INTERESTING: Making of men in the USA — espeicially in Gooferment Skrules


*** begin quote ***

America’s Lost Boys and Me

2/11/2024, 10:32:44 AM · 14 of 14

ABN 505 to mo

There seems to be a dearth of men in teaching nowadays. When I was in High school most of the teachers were WWII vets with a sprinkling of woman in the arts and language’s. There was serious discipline administered and sometimes physical force was applied when needed. I don’t think woman are capable of handling young men and should not be in charge of them weather, in schools or military settings.

*** end quote ***

Having been educated by WWII vets from grades 4 thru ~20, I tend to agree,  Turning boys into men is probably not best done by women.  

I guess that makes me a something or other.

But let us look at the results?

Pretty sad record.

And in Gooferment Skrules it’s uncontrolled chaos.

In my school days, that would have never been tolerate and met with overwhelming physical violence from the faculty.  Even the few lay and women teachers were down right insane.

Dona Nobis Pacem

American has lost its way.


TECHNOLOGY: Get eyeglass prescriptions on paper

Get eyeglass prescriptions on paper

My cousin is now in a nursing home and broke her glasses. The lens was lost. I which I had gotten that Rx on paper to get a replacement. Never thought of it. So thought I’d share it to help someone avoid my frustration. (I have my own prescriptions on a credit card type thing that I got from USAGLASSES mail order.). Just never thought of it for my old relatives. Argh!


INSPIRATIONAL: Jackie, a bald eagle, demonstrated motherly dedication

Bald eagle Jackie’s livestream is turned into weather apocalypse film as expecting mom braves California’s tropical storm-force winds, relentless rain and heavy snow shielding three small eggs
By Mackenzie Tatananni For Dailymail.Com
Published: 14:55 EST, 8 February 2024 | Updated: 19:05 EST, 8 February 2024

*** begin quote ***

Jackie, a bald eagle, shakes powder off her feathers as she settles into a snow heap overlooking a California valley.

Invisible to the eye, a cozy nest sits underneath, kept warm by her body heat.

Jackie has been guarding her three eggs from the elements ever since a powerful atmospheric river pummeled the region last week.

*** end quote ***

Life is tough in the wild.  Something we humans forget all to easily.  Life is precious.  

How did the eagles learn to survive?

Make me think hard thoughts.


DISCOURAGING: Gooferment Skrules are a national disgrace

School Where Just 4% of Students Are Proficient in Math and 12% in English Spent $250K on ‘Woke Kindergarten’ Program

Alice Wright, Daily Mail, February 4, 2024

*** begin quote ***

A Bay Area Elementary School has spent $250,000 on a ‘Woke Kindergarten’ program only to see its student’s literacy and numeracy rates plunge.

The ‘Woke Kindergarten’ program states its mission as an ‘abolitionist early learning ecosystem’ that trains teachers to uproot white supremacy, disrupt racism and oppression which are barriers to learning.

After spending the federal money on the program Glassbrook Elementary in Hayward saw numeracy among its 474 students fall to a new low of just 4 percent and literacy just 12 percent.

*** end quote ***

Gooferment Skrules are to produce cannon fodder for the Army, willing morons for the factories, and useful idiots to vote for and be led by the elite.


ConspiracyTheories: Was John Kennedy Jr. killed?

POTUS John Kennedy: did his son John (John John) Kennedy Jr. who was ‘killed’ in a plane crash, did he tee us up on POPULATION control? depopulation agenda? SAGE HANA reminds us of Bill Gates’s 1997 interview with John Kennedy Jr. before he died;”Bill Gates’s 1997 Interview with RFK’s Dead Cousin John in George Magazine: “I fund population control…”Planned Parenthood Medical Director, Day Tapes

Dr. Paul Alexander

Feb 5, 2024

*** begin quote ***

I thought John Kennedy Jr. would have made a tremendous POTUS, I lean libertarian, right of center, social conservative yet no EFF in label but I would have voted for John-John.

Did they kill John-John? Was John Kennedy Jr. killed? I think a legitimate question. I actually think he was killed, deliberately. I do not discount that. I have no proof. 

*** end quote ***

OK let’s crank up the old Conspiracy Theories meter. “Political  —  5. Possible”.

I remember that at the time his plane went down reading that he was being talked about as a rival of HRC for the NY Senate seat.  Now anyone who gets in the Clinton’s way seems to be “suicided” rather quickly.

So it’s possible that this very convenient “accidental” pilot error could be more than it seems.

Will we ever know?  Probably not.


DISCOURAGING: Ex-Rabbi buys Pornub and is proud of it

Ex-Rabbi Co-founder of a private equity firm explains why he acquired Pornhub
By M Dowling – December 29, 2023

*** begin quote ***

So, it’s for money, the tools, and mainstreaming porn? Didn’t Sodom and Gomorrah happen because this stuff went mainstream?

Correction: Mr. Friedman is only a partial owner. The headline was changed to clarify. Also, he rejected the teachings as a rabbi.

*** end quote ***

I’m sure his parents are very proud of him.  Special “ring of hell” should be reserved for him.

Makes me sad to see such “news”.


INTERESTING: All the world’s literature is slowly coming to the internet — possibly unapreciated

The Mystery of the Blue Train

# – # – # – # – # 

The Mystery of the Blue Train revolves around a set of fabulous rubies, said to have been worn by Catherine the Great, now purchased by an American millionaire as a gift to his daughter. When she takes them with her on a luxury train to the Riviera, she is unaware that among her fellow passengers are her unfaithful husband, his not-so-secret mistress, a quiet Englishwoman who believes that nothing exciting ever happens to her—and the famous retired detective Hercule Poirot. And, possibly, a murderer.

# – # – # – # – # 

Standard E Books puts out a huge amount of “free” content.

*** begin quote ***

This ebook is thought to be free of copyright restrictions in the United States. It may still be under copyright in other countries. If you’re not located in the United States, you must check your local laws to verify that this ebook is free of copyright restrictions in the country you’re located in before accessing, downloading, or using it.

*** end quote ***

More than even a fat old white guy retired injineer can possibly consume.  I remember reading the Hardy Boys in my youth and would save my supermarket tips to buy their latest adventure.  Like my comic book collection, those were discarded when I went in the military.   Another “casualty” of the Viet Nam war.  My Charlie Chan’s, my Heinlein’s, and McDonald color series of Travis McGees.  Sigh!

Wonder what they would be worth today?

Anyway, I am rereading some favorites as they come out of copyright.

And, of course, donate to the site.  Small change but every bit helps.  I can imagine growing up today and having the internet as a library of dikw (i.e., data, information, knowledge, wisdom) without having to physically trade to the library to find that illusive book that never seems to be there.


I wonder if these resources are “pearls before swine” and completely not used by today’s barbarian culture.



ADHOC: Is this how the DNC dumps Old Joe and makes room for “Big Mike” to replace him?​

Is this how the DNC dumps Old Joe and makes room for “Big Mike” to replace him?

Argh! Sigh!

Need age limits for politicians and bureaucrats?

Suggest the Full Social Security Retirement age as a good standard!


INTERESTING: Note on the impracticality of invading Taiwan


*** begin quote ***

I was reading the third book in Ian Toll’s War in the Pacific Trilogy the other day. There was a segment on the decision to invade Formosa or the Philippines.

Here is a quote:

“On August 18, 1944, Nimitz estimated that the operation (Invasion of Taiwan) would require 505,000 army troops, 154,000 marines, and 61,000 navy shore personnel.”

So, assuming that modern warfare doesn’t require the same number of troops and the Taiwanese will not “fight to the last man” as the Japanese would…let’s cut those numbers in half.

How is China going to move 325,000 troops across the Straits of Taiwan? It took the US three years of almost unstopped work to get the transports and landing craft to do that. Plus two years of hard earned practice. And no country has accomplished that since the Korean War—where we still had the men and equipment to do it.

No..China is not invading Taiwan any time soon.

*** end quote ***

Seems like some unbiased assessment of the practicality.  And, China has “other bigger fish to fry” like the collapse of Evergrande and all the “fiscal contagion” that will cause.
