INSPIRATIONAL: There are no Wrong Decisions

Darius Foroux’s Win Your Inner Battles: Defeat The Enemy Within and Live With Purpose

There are no Wrong Decisions

“Learn to view every decision as an opportunity for growth, regardless of the outcome. Embrace the uncertainty and use it as a stepping stone to learn and evolve.”​

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I used preach that there are no “bad” decisions.  First, not making a decision is really a decision in disguise. Second, you ALWAYS make the “best” decision you can based on all the dikw (i.e., data, information, knowledge, wisdom) available.  Some of those “best” decisions turn out to be “wrong” in retrospect.  Usually due to insufficient data, wrong information, missing knowledge, or a lack of wisdom.  Just because a decision turns out badly does NOT make it “wrong”.  That’s why it’s always important to do an After Action Report and Lessons Learned.

I really wish I’d done more but again that was a human failing on my part not to learn from my “mistakes”.  Hope you do better than I did.  

Sir Isaac Newton, the famous English scientist, once said, “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”
