GOVEROTRAGEOUS: MI Gov. Whitmer Criticizes GOP for Failing to Ban Church Gatherings

Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) said on “Fox News Sunday” that Republicans were to blame for an exemption in her order that allows places of worship to gather in groups of 50 or more during the coronavirus outbreak.

Guest host John Roberts asked, “One thing that kind of puzzles me is that you have limited groups of people to 50 or fewer yet, there is an exemption for places of worship. Why would a place of worship be any less likely to transmit diseases in a larger gathering than another place?”

Source: MI Gov. Whitmer Criticizes GOP for Failing to Ban Church Gatherings

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Perhaps some one should refresh their memory about the First Amendment.  You know the one about “freedom of religion”.  The Gooferment has no power to regulate churches.


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