GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Why, Oh Why, Is Daylight Savings Time Still a Thing? | The Mary Sue

Marco Rubio of all people has proposed a bill to make DST permanent and “lock the clock,” but as with most things in Congress, it’s stalled.But it shouldn’t be. Making DST permanent might be one of the few things both sides of the aisle can agree on, so here’s hoping that the bill gets more attention and movement as we go back to daylight savings time this weekend. Hopefully, we won’t have to fall back again.

Source: Why, Oh Why, Is Daylight Savings Time Still a Thing? | The Mary Sue

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I don’t understand why we don’t just use GMT all the time everywhere.  It would simplify everything everywhere.

Now there will be some “adaption” to different labels (i.e., “9 to 5” may become “14 to 20”) but who cares.

The military has been using ZULU for forever.

Separate the Gooferment from the Clock.

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