GUNS: An armed citizen puts an end to crime spree

‘I loaded every weapon I could’: Hero dad tells how two Georgia fugitives who escaped after killing two guards ran onto his driveway and SURRENDERED to him

  • Homeowner Patrick Hale is being called a hero for holding two fugitives in his driveway in Christiana, Tennessee 
  • Hale believes the suspects mistook his vehicle for a police car, he and his little girl were in his car 
  • Hale said though he had firepower with him, he never had to draw his weapon 
  • Donnie Rowe and Ricky Dubose surrendered to Hale, by laying face down in his driveway
  • Police arrived within three minutes of Hale calling 911 
  • The two convicts had been on the run since killing two guards on a prison bus on Tuesday 
  • On Thursday morning, police received a report that the two had held an elderly couple hostage and then stolen their Jeep
  • Police tracked down the Jeep and were trying to pull the convicts over when they crashed the car and bailed out
  • The two men ran into the woods and came across another house where they tried to steal another car 
  • They could face the death penalty when charged in officers’ deaths 
  • They made their first court appearance in Rutherford County, Tennessee Friday Both waived extradition to Georgia and will be returned to Putnam County within the next few days

By Associated Press and Jessica Finn For
PUBLISHED: 23:36 EDT, 16 June 2017 | UPDATED: 09:29 EDT, 17 June 2017

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‘I loaded every weapon I could in my house to be prepared in the event that they needed to be used,’ said Hale. ‘I called 911 and made the decision to either get in our panic room and be trapped or get in our car and head down the road.’

‘I grabbed my sweet daughter and got in the car… we saw the men had been running and were much closer to my house now. They took off their shirts and waived them at us as if to slow us down,’ Hale said of the suspects Donnie Rowe, 43, and Ricky Dubose, 24.

*** and ***

They will be brought to justice swiftly for their heinous crime against our officers,’ Georgia Department of Corrections Commissioner Greg Dozier said in a news release.Their escape began early Tuesday, when authorities said they somehow got through a door that should have been locked separating the guards from the inmates on the prison bus.

One of the murdered guards was Christopher Monica (pictured), who had been a prison guard since 2009. He had been working an extra shift to pay for his ill wifeSgt. Christopher Monica and Sgt. Curtis Billue were overpowered and shot dead with their own weapons. The fugitives then locked up 31 other inmates and jumped out with the guards’ 9mm Glock pistols, carjacking a driver who happened to pull up behind them.

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Strange behavior by the murderers. 

Clearly, an armed citizen, who was ready to use deadly force, put a stop to this.

Here’s an example of when I’d support the death penalty. Clearly these “mad dogs” are too dangerous to be allowed to live.



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