TINFOILHAT: Who is ‘John Doe No. 2’?


Did the Oklahoma City bomber have another accomplice? One man’s mystery death in a jail cell and his brother’s 19-YEAR quest for justice that could reopen case of attack that killed 168

  • Jesse Trentadue believes his brother Kenneth was arrested by the FBI after the 1995 bombing in the belief he was Timothy McVeigh’s accomplice
  • Trentadue fit the description of the mysterious John Doe No. 2 and his brother believes he was killed by overzealous interrogators
  • Kenneth Trentadue was found dead in a federal holding cell after authorities say he hanged himself
  • Trentadue is suing the FBI to try to get them to reveal information he believes they’ve withheld from the public for nearly 20 years
  • The FBI now maintains McVeigh acted alone on the day of the bombing, but had an accomplice in Terry Nichols and confidante in Michael Fortier
  • Fortier was jailed for his role in the crime, which authorities say was failing to tell authorities what he knew

PUBLISHED: 23:54 EST, 27 July 2014 | UPDATED: 16:52 EST, 28 July 2014

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He says the agency won’t release security camera videos that show a second person was with Timothy McVeigh when he parked a truck outside the Oklahoma City federal building and detonated a bomb, killing 168 people. The government claims McVeigh was alone.

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Unsatisfied by the FBI’s previous explanations, U.S. District Judge Clark Waddoups has ordered the agency to explain why it can’t find videos from the bombing that are mentioned in evidence logs, citing the public importance of the tapes.

Trentadue believes the presence of a second suspect in the truck explains why his brother, Kenneth Trentadue, was flown to Oklahoma several months after the bombing, where he died in a federal holding cell in what was labeled a suicide. What do they know? The FBI claims Timothy McVeigh was alone when he planted the car bomb that killed 168 in 1995, but some conspiracy theorists believe Trentadue died as part of the agency’s investigation into a second man who was on the scene with 

His brother bore a striking resemblance to the police sketch that officials sent out after the bombing based on witness descriptions of the enigmatic suspect ‘John Doe No. 2,’ who was the same height, build and complexion. The suspect was never identified.

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Going toe-to-toe with the federal government has come at a personal price for Jesse Trentadue, 67, who says he’s lost time with his children and wife that he can’t recover.But he has no regrets, fueled by his love for his brother. Just three years apart, the two shared a bed, hunted coons together and played on the same sports teams growing up in a coal camp in West Virginia.Their paths diverged as adults – Jesse becoming an attorney while Kenneth fell into drugs and crime – but the brotherly bond never broke. Before his death, Kenneth Trentadue had overcome his heroin addiction and had a newborn baby at home in San Diego, Jesse Trentadue said. The brothers spoke by phone from jail the night before his death, with the two discussing how he would soon be out.’What I learned growing up in the coal fields is that you fight even when you know you can’t win,’ he said. ‘Because you have to make a stand on some things. Justice for my brother is certainly one of them.’

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Another case where the Gooferment is covering up?

I don’t know. But one has to ask the questions.

‘John Doe No. 2’? Clearly there is some smoke around this issue.

When the records say there is a video and the Gooferment can’t find it, isn’t that convenient.

Another case where we can’t find out the truth.

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