RANT: How Do You Resist the TSA?


November 21, 2011
How Do You Resist?
Posted by Michael S. Rozeff on November 21, 2011 05:16 AM

*** begin quote ***

The TSA has the guns and they have what is called “law”. How does one resist? Peacefully, that comes first. I really do not know, and I don’t know what will do good and what won’t. And I don’t know what will cause you more trouble than you want to bear. I also think that resistance is a personal matter that depends on your personal circumstances, so that there is no one way to resist.

*** end quote ***

Hit them in the pocketbook. I refuse to take air travel. And, I irritate anyone I know who does do air travel with questions like: “how did you enjoy your proctology exam”, “how much of your time did security waste”, and “you got to the airport how much in advance”. In my blog, I try to find TSA stories to report that are funny or outrageous. I may not be able to change the world, but I am trying to give it a health shove.

# – # – # – # – # 2011-Nov-21 @ 08:58

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