RANT: $100 million pension for stapling a finger?


$100 million pension for stapling a finger?
Cop seeks sweet disability after accidental shooting
Posted: November 15, 2011

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As he was preparing to shoot, a burst of wind tore a Q-shaped target from its wooden post. Onesti picked up a staple gun and tried to reattach the target — and what happened next could end up costing state taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Onesti, 27 at the time, accidentally fired a staple into the base of his left ring finger, records show. He put a Band Aid on the wound and successfully completed the tests. But after two operations Onesti says he still can’t do his job, and is now one of a record number of public employees across the state seeking an accidental disability pension for life.

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You have to be joking!

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