FUN: You can take my cereal when you pry it from my cold dead hands

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7. Kellogg’s Corn Pops

The cereal business is not what is used to be, at least for products that are not considered “healthy.” Among those is Kellogg’s Corn Pops ready-to-eat cereal. Sales of the brand dropped 18% over the year that ended in April, down to $74 million. That puts it well behind brands like Cheerios and Frosted Flakes each which have sales of over $200 million a year. Private label sales have also hurt sales of branded cereals. Revenues in this category were $637 million over the same April-end period. There is also profit margin pressure on Corn Pops because of the sharp increase in corn prices. Kellogg’s describes the product as being “Crispy, glazed, crunchy, sweet.” Corn Pops also contain mono- and diglycerides, used to bind saturated fat, and BHT for freshness, which is also used in embalming fluid. None of these are likely to be what mothers want to serve their children in an age in which a healthy breakfast is more likely to be egg whites and a bowl of fresh fruit.

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Ow! Say it ain’t so. My Mom used to give me a bowl of dry cereal in place of my much desired potatoe chips as a form of “weight control”. Little did she know, (I’m guessing), that Corn Pops were worse. Or at least, equally bad. Argh!

If I buy a bedroom full of them, will they last until I die?

Or should I just transfer to Golden Honey Smacks?

Yeah, I love sugary stuff. But, KCP and GHS is like crack for fat old white guy injineers!

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