POLITICAL: Analyzing a Ron Paul run

> April 25, 2011 10:25 PM
> Now the fun begins!
> http://www.nationaljournal.com/politics/ron-paul-launches-presidential-campaign-20110425

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> April 26, 2011 10:35 AM

> I think of all times this would be his best chance, except I think his age may get in the way. I know…didn’t stop Ronnie, but he had already proven himself. Should certainly be interesting though. :-)

*** end quote ***

(1) Well, the “youngsters” have really screwed the pooch. And, the cow. And, the horse. And, just about every farm animal you can name.

(2) It may well be a game changer in forcing the debate to “Libertarian” topics.

(3) He may realize that it’s “hopeless” but is going to go down swinging.

(4) DNF the electorate and electoral calculus. ½ the folks don’t vote. If he can energize the Tea Party, and ½ of that ½ comes to the polls — Katie bar the door — the old political “wisdom” of “50% independent + 30% D’s + 20% R’s = election” is out with the trash. That “½ of a ½” swamps the “regular voters”. It’s what propelled Ike and Reagan to victory. The great “unwashed.”

(5) If he pick Michelle Bachman as his running mate, then he’s got a great chance to win. And, she’d be a shoe in to her own follow up run.

This country would be well on its way to the next 100 years of Pax America. I don’t see how we survive another 8 or 12 years of hack politicians.

I copied the usual suspects on this rant.

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