INSPIRATIONAL: Addis Hope — USA $9.00 — sponsor a child for a year!

Dear Donor Partners of Addis Hope,

The cost of running the Addis Hope program has now increased by 53% and when some long standing donor partners can no longer assist at the same funding level, I am extremely worried about the future of this much needed program. Your desperately needed financial support obviously continues to be our vital life line. The 150 Ethiopian dollars – the equivalent today of USA $9.00 we have been asking for the last ten years of the program to sponsor a child for a year makes it very difficult to keep the program operational in light of the huge increase in the cost of living.

As many of you have responded very generously to our Christmas appeal, I’m now asking if it would be possible for even more of you to do the same this Easter season by going to our web site ( to locate any additional “disposable income” for the program.

For the children of Addis Hope the program is intended to grow their minds to feed their future in a country where malnourishment of both the intellect and body is very evident.

Again, many thanks and may the risen Lord continue to bless you.
Brother Gregory Flynn (Jack)

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[JR: I prefer charities that I can “see”. In this case, I trust my fellow Jasper. Seems like a good “sacrifice” to make — 9 bucks. Little more than a “designer” beer at any place other than a dive. For a year! Seems like a “good buy”.]

# – # – # – # – # 2011-Apr-20 @ 09:58

FUN: Preventing a night time “dunking”

Unitasker Wednesday: Light Up Toilet Seat

All Unitasker Wednesday posts are jokes — we don’t want you to buy these items, we want you to laugh at their ridiculousness. Enjoy!

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Whenever I’m cleaning the toilet in my house, I think to myself, “This toilet really could use something to brighten it up.”

I’m sure you think the exact same thing about your toilet. Toilet darkness is a major concern for most people. And, I think we all know that bleach will never be able to brighten our toilets the way we need them to be illuminated.

Well, our days of having toilets that loom in the shadows are gone. We can now install a Light Up Toilet Seat:

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I know a young ten year old lady who would love to have this. She lives with two younger brothers. And, I have been told that one more than one occasion in the middle of the night, she’s “sat” in the toilet. The screams reportedly woke the neighbors. But not her brothers, who she wanted to stuff IN the toilet. This maybe a joke to us, but I bet she’d buy it. LOL.

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