INTERESTING: Nearly Half of U.S. Households Pay No Income Tax

Nearly Half of U.S. Households Pay No Income Tax to Feds
Published April 17, 2011 | Associated Press

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WASHINGTON — As Monday’s tax filing deadline nears, ponder this: The super rich pay a lot less taxes than they did a couple of decades ago, and nearly half of U.S. households pay no income taxes at all.

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That’s a stunning figure.

So, we have the few who pay for the rest?

Isn’t that socialism?

How did we allow total tax rates to exceed the Bible’s tithe (10%)?


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POLITICAL: Speed limits are for revenue generation

Texas May Go To 85! (Clovers Stroking Out All Over)
by Eric Peters

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If routinely exceeding politically contrived “limits” were in fact dangerous and not just a scam to gin up money without imposing an explicit Motorists Tax, then our system is oddly kindhearted to all the millions upon millions of (cough) dangerous drivers out there.

But of course, they’re not dangerous. Just guilty of ignoring a number pulled out of a hat and plastered into a sign bu politicians bureaucrats. The cops know it, the judges know it, the insurance companies know it, too.

All the evidence says so, too.

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Why have any speed limits at all?

Other than revenue generation.

How about using the police to stop real crimes?

Ever drive on any of our roads? Every day at least once a day, I see some one jeopardizing public safety with roid rage behaviour or being a Left Lane Richard. But, the cops wiuld have to patrol to see it and snag them. That’s hard work. As oppoesed to sitting somewhere with a magazine waiting for an alarm clock.


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