POLITICAL: Just say no to raising the debt ceiling


Subject: Tell Congress to cut federal spending

Please cut federal spending.

Please do NOT raise the debt ceiling.

Very simple, just DON’T do it.

As a matter of fact, let’s start cutting the debt ceiling. How about cutting the debt ceiling 1% a year for the next 100 years?

Don’t saddle the future with our mistakes.

If you do, don’t plan on getting my vote. And, you’ll see me out actively opposing you. I realize I’m only one little guy, but I will vote and I will campaign.


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Dear Mr. Reinke:

   Thank you for contacting me about federal spending. I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue.

   I share your concerns about the deficit inherited by this Administration. I have been a strong advocate for balanced budgets throughout my career in the Senate. As the Ranking Member on the Senate Budget Committee at the time, I helped negotiate the “Balanced Budget Act of 1997,” which restored fiscal discipline to the federal government and ended years of deficits. These provisions eventually led to a federal budget surplus of $237 billion in 2000, the first period of budget surplus since 1969.

   However, when this President took office, we had record deficits because of the recession and eight years of unpaid-for wars, tax cuts for the wealthy, and expensive spending programs. I am proud to support efforts that will restore fiscal discipline and I voted in favor of legislation (P.L. 111-139) that requires any new federal spending to be offset. This bill was signed into law on February 12, 2010.

   Please be assured that I will continue to work with my Senate colleagues and President Obama to reduce the deficit and our national debt, and I will keep your concerns in mind as this issue receives further consideration by the Senate. Thank you again for contacting me.



Senator Frank R. Lautenberg

[JR: Non responsive. I asked about the debt ceiling. But, if you’re such a deficit hawk, then either you’re ineffective or corrupt. Couldn’t hold the line or were bought off. Either way, I’m not voting for you.]

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Waiting for the others to respond.

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