FUN: ‘Fiat Currency’ is no more; it’s now “Muggle Money”! Like “monopoly money”.

An End to ‘Fiat Currency’
by Thomas Schmidt

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Laughter is a powerful tool of undermining the existing order. Boss Tweed might have remained in power, but for the mocking and muckraking of Thomas Nast’s cartoons. As Hans Christian Andersen once pointed out, the Emperor can abide anything but the laughter of children at his nakedness and foolish ways. We must use the power of the young to ridicule that which is ridiculous as they build a better way in the world, with a sound, gold-based money. We must stop using the technical term “fiat currency” known to Austrians, and refer to it simply by the words that make clear to a new generation that it ought to be an object of scorn. Call it Muggle Money, let the children mock Bernanke, and the battle is half won.

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I think he’s absolutely correct.

If we laugh at the Gooferment’s money, then it will lose its power over us. To delude us into thinking it is a “store of value”. Or, “a measure”. Or, “a standard”.

It fails in three of the four attributes of “money”.


If it wasn’t so sad, it would be funny.

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