INTERESTING: Every child is “sick”; hard to believe

Survey: One in 10 US children has ADHD
Associated Press

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“A government survey says 1 in 10 US children has ADHD, a sizable increase from a few years earlier that researchers think might be explained by growing awareness and better screening. ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, makes it hard for children to pay attention and control impulsive behavior. It’s often treated with drugs, behavioral therapy, or both. The new study found that about two-thirds of the children who have ADHD are on medication.” [editor’s note: So now they have done it; they’ve turned a legitimate ailment, affecting a very small number of children with severe learning disabilities, into an epidemic-level crisis that almost everyone has, and now can beg billions from the Feds to fund their game – SAT] (11/11/10)

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How can one out of every ten children be “broken”?


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