VETERANS: “a grateful nation remembers”; I think not!


“A grateful nation remembers”

You have to be kidding me. Remembers? No one even knows it’s Veteran’s Day or Armistice Day. Other than store “sales”, “We, The People” don’t remember. If we did, we wouldn’t permit young men and women to put their lives at risk for anything but the most well-thoughtout urgent national interest. And, when they come home broken or in a box, we’d give them the respect they deserve.

I’ll believe that “a grateful nation remembers” when:

• Military funerals are attended by the President or Vice-President, the Senators of that Vet’s State, their Congressman, the Governor, their state reps, their county reps, and their municipal reps. At least then, these “decision makers” would get the fullest sense of the cost of these escapades.

• When our troops are brought home from the 160+ countries. Why are we still in on the DMZ in South Korea and German? Didn’t those wars end long ago? Time for a new foreign policy and new Department of Defense.

• When our broken vets are fixed as best we can in a dignified humane fashion. “We, The People”, through the politicians we elected made this happen. We have to step up to our responsibility. We have failed. The politicians and bureaucrats are to blame. And we have to change the system.

• When we have a “war tax” to ensure that every American regardless of income level or station in life is overtly paying for these foreign excursions. Remember the Spanish American War Tax on every cell phone. Let’s bring it back! (I don’t advocate taxes.) But this will remind everyone every month that we have wars going on and they need an “exit strategy”!

Then, I’ll believe that “a grateful nation remembers”!

Donna Nobis Pacem!

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