POLITICAL: How about we end the “(pseudo) War on (some) Drugs”?


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Vatican City, Oct 31, 2010 / 06:55 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Benedict XVI has announced his prayer intentions for the month of November, calling for an increased focus on victims of drug and other substance addictions as well as prayers for the well being of the Church in Latin America.

Pope Benedict’s general prayer intention for November is: “That victims of drugs or of other dependence may, thanks to the support of the Christian community, find in the power of our saving God strength for a radical life-change.”

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Now don’t let the milk on your cereal shoot out your nose, BUTT (there’s always a big but) how about we end the “(pseudo) War on (some) Drugs”?

So, you logically ask, “how does that help”?

First, and foremost, we give people liberty and freedom. That’s always good.

Second, there is a “natural rate” of addiction that doesn’t change much. Some people will become addicted regardless of what we do. Let’s focus on that. So how does locking them up in jail help? The Gooferment can’t even stop drugs in their prisons.

Third, by ending the PWOSD, and putting WalMart, WalGreens, and all the other legitimate ‘drug dealers’ in charge, drugs will be cheaper. Seriously MJ is a weed. I’ve read knowledgeable pundit who say that the currently “illegal” drugs will be priced like generic aspirin. This has four immediate benefits: <a> addicts will not have to commit crimes to get the exorbitant sums needed to feed their habit; <b> we will immediately drain the profits from Drug Gangs (What does a Drug Kingpin do next?) making or streets safer; <c> pure ‘safe’ drug will be available so, that if someone does decide to experiment, they will not die from a ‘hot shot’ or rat poison; <d> now ‘no longer illegal’ drug will lose their ‘bad boy’ allure as it’s no longer ‘kool’, but boring.

Fourth, by pardoning all the non-violent drug offenders, we will free up needed prison space for violent felons. Also, perhaps, some of the prisons and the associated bureaucrats will no longer be needed and can be freed up to do more productive work.

Five, all those ‘savings’ can be aimed at studying how to effectively ‘cure’ drug addiction — probably a mixture of brain chemistry, chemical engineering, and the assumption of personal reliability.

Six, it would end the corrosive effect of corruption in out police forces. And, it would end the militarization of our police force, as the “war” gets more violent. We can get our Fourth Amendment rights back and return to a peaceful civil society.

Time to ‘solve’ the drug problem by ending the PWOSD!

By the way, where in their precious Constitution did they get the power to outlaw a weed and create this whole mess?

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